Friday, 29 March 2024 05:48

Understanding the Numbers Behind Recruiting Deals

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When it comes to recruiting deals, there is much to analyze and understand beyond the upfront figure. In fact, how the deal is structured can be even more important in the long term, as this will dictate longer-term outcomes like growth, portability, succession planning, and compensation. 

Typically, the upfront payment is calculated based on 125 to 175% of trailing 12-month production. This portion is guaranteed and taxed at lower rates, so it’s understandable why so much attention is paid to this figure.

Many firms still offer back-end bonuses, which are generally around 25 to 50% of trailing 12-month production, although these are being phased out. These bonuses are only paid out if advisors successfully transition and achieve pre-defined metrics. Unvested deferred compensation replacement is another element becoming less common as this is increasingly folded into the overall package. However, this represents the amount that an advisor would lose out on by switching firms.

Finally, many deals will also include a ‘sunset program’ so that a retiring advisor can cash out of the business at market value. With this, there are many factors to consider, such as terms, requirements, and financing. For younger advisors, this might be less relevant, but it could be a deciding factor for those closer to the end of their careers. 

Finsum: There are many components of a recruiting deal that go beyond the headline amount. In fact, the structure of a deal can be more important when it comes to making the right choice.

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