Wednesday, 03 April 2024 04:16

JP Morgan Using UMAs to Meet Demand

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J.P. Morgan Advisors is empowering brokers with increased autonomy over unified managed accounts (UMAs), enabling independent investment selection without explicit client approval, in line with industry shifts. 


Marc Turansky, head of advisory programs, highlights this as a response to evolving standards and client preferences for advisor autonomy. Similarly, Janney Montgomery Scott introduces full discretion options for UMAs, echoing broader industry trends. Janney's advisory accounts hold $73 billion, while J.P. Morgan Securities manages $212 billion.


 UMAs have surged to $2.1 trillion in client assets industry-wide, outpacing other advisory programs. J.P. Morgan Wealth Management, says this change reflects an evolving industry standard and caters to clients who trust their advisors' understanding of their financial objectives, thus comfortable delegating decision-making. 

Finsum: UMAs are giving advisors more flexibility than other accounts, which can translate to meeting clients needs more effectively.

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