Friday, 02 September 2022 05:17

Volatility continues to kick up more dust in market

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Anyone notice that stocks, lately, have been a bit, well, prickly?


Of course, for awhile there, it segued they’d found their mojo and watching cable shows like CNBC also was a popcorn worthy occasion. Now, that viewing experience likely would give you indigestion.


In other words, yes: vo-la-ti-li-ty.


Now, could this be hitting the gas pedal on an even steeper decline.


Let’s count the possible dividends. In the short term, the wraps are on the corporate earnings season, according to, and summer? Ready to wave buh-bye. In the eye of an obvious lack of direction, it’s all but an invitation for percolating volatility, the site continued.


Meantime, investors are sliding their attention from the probabilities of a recession and how the markets will react to the Fed.


Against that less than appealing backdrop, Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors’ Head of Wealth Management Colin Vella, said that rather than ruing the circumstances surrounding the volatility, investors can make the best of it, according to


The global initiative – unlike the war – to get a handle on COVID 19 reassured markets that bouncing back to more normal conditions could be on the short term horizon. 


As the virus started to escalate worldwide, at the dawn of 2020, markets began their descent. However, the downturn didn’t have staying power and bounced back prior to the initial lockdowns.

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