Thursday, 08 September 2022 14:17

Direct indexing can be, well, taxing

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et’s see: an IRS audit. Or this: your taxes are hightailing it north.


Then there’s the old reliable: the volatility of the financial markets.


Ah, yes. Bum, bum and, um, bummer of all.


That said, on the bright side, to leverage the dividends of tax loss harvesting, there’s direct indexing, according to

And what’s with the gold dust direct indexing boasts in light of a topsy turvy market? Well, the investor owns the individual securities rather than a commingled fund, so they take ownership of any losses absorbed on receding stocks, the site continued. So, when it comes to offsetting gains, the investor can tap those setbacks. And, presto, that can go quite a way in paring back the tax bill of an investor.

But it’s not all tinsel town and balloons. On one hand, says experts, fees and accounts minimums might be heading south, on the other, it could be that direct indexing’s will cut a deeper swatch in your wallet and; yes, isn’t there always more: might be more difficult to deal with than passive investing, according to

Category: Eq: Dividends, 

Keywords: direct indexing, financial... etc.

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