Wealth Management

In the age of ETFs, many advisors may have a harder time justifying their fees to their clients however a new study shows that the fees alone can be justified by an advisor's ability to manage the tax burden of their clients. The primary method by which an advisor can add alpha to the portfolio is by appropriating funds for their most tax-efficient purposes, such as putting taxable bonds in a tax-deferred account and allocating growth stocks to a tax-free account like a Roth. Advisors also can edge out by advising about how to optimally tax-loss harvest when it comes to their portfolio’s crypto holdings. The main way to capitalize is through taking advantage of crypto’s status as property in the wash rule.

Finsum: Everyone is dying to hold crypto right now, but most haven’t made it big; tax-loss harvesting with the Wash rule exception is an edge as long congress doesn’t adjust the rules.

The Biden administration’s SEC has lept from one sub-financial industry to the next whether it's crypto or ESG, but now they are gonna take a closer look at private equity and other ‘alternatives’ like hedge funds. The process is mainly would limit what retirees and savers have opportunities in private equity and hedge funds through their plans and limit them to accredited investors. Alternatives have taken off in the last few years and the SEC is looking to increase transparency and possibly limit access. They are cautioning other companies from putting PE in retirement portfolios.

Finsum: This limited access could take the many savers and retirees out of the huge gains in PE over traditional equity markets, and might only hurt the general public.

Annuities have had rapidly growing interest in the post covid era, and this has been especially true for variable annuities. What makes variable annuities attractive is inflation and interest rate risk which will elevate their value, however, for annuities providers and insurers, this is represented as risk. In an action to mitigate those risks Aegon, the parent company to Transamerica, engaged in a buyout program that ended in January. In total 18% of annuity holders capitalized on buybacks to settle their portfolio. Transamerica also expanded its hedging strategies to ensure against interest rate and equity risk for the remaining balance of its variable annuity portfolio.

Finsum: Recent legal changes have drastically affected the insurance and annuity industry which has been key to their growing demand, in addition to the covid-19 pandemic and rising subsequent unemployment.

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