Wealth Management

As market volatility persists, major equity indexes hit new highs, prompting investors to shift from AI and technology stocks to small-caps. The Dow Jones rose 700 points on July 16, achieving a record high, while the S&P 500 followed suit, driven by interest rate cut hopes. 

Natixis Investment Managers advises using selective, active strategies and high-conviction portfolio construction to navigate market peaks. They recommend not waiting for stock declines, as equity markets historically increase 70% of the time. 

For an offensive strategy, focus on growth-oriented, small, and midcap stocks. Active management and model portfolios can help manage risks and optimize tax implications.

Finsum: Prepping your portfolio for the fall election is more crucial than ever. 

As more Americans retire without pensions, individual annuities are becoming crucial for financial security. Registered index-linked annuities (RILAs) have gained popularity, especially during the pandemic due to their downside protection and upside potential. 


In 2023, RILA sales reached $47 billion, a 15% increase from 2022, marking nine consecutive years of growth. This trend is expected to continue, with forecasts predicting sales of $52 billion in 2024 and $57 billion in 2025. 


RILAs, primarily sold through independent broker-dealers, are now outpacing traditional variable annuities in sales. The market, driven by innovation and new entrants, is poised for sustained growth.

Finsum: Independent broker dealers leading the pack is interesting and something to monitor during the annuity boom. 

BlackRock has introduced a 'buffer' ETF, the iShares Large Cap Max Buffer Jun ETF (ticker: MAXJ), designed to offer a 100% downside hedge for cautious investors. This ETF tracks the S&P 500 using options with an upside cap, aiming to protect against losses for about a year.


 Buffer ETFs are beneficial as they help maximize returns while providing downside protection during volatile market periods. 


They are especially attractive to investors wary of market volatility and economic uncertainties, such as inflation and potential interest rate hikes. BlackRock's extensive reach and marketing capabilities could help it catch up with competitors in this space.

Finsum: BlackRock’s pioneering in quantitative strategies puts them in a good position to maximize the abilities of buffer ETFs

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