Wealth Management

The longer equity portfolios experience growth over time the fewer the opportunities there are to realize the losses and take advantage. Actually quant fund AQR called these appreciated portfolio’s a ‘liability’ for tax purposes. One interesting thing they find is that tax preferred passive equity and direct indexing can develop unrealized gains rapidly. It takes only 3 years for direct indexing to have unrealized gains hit 50% of the portfolio value and 5 years for a tax preferred passive strategy. AQR offers an alternative approach, ‘enhanced indexing’ which is a tax-loss strategy they developed that can help investors. If a direct-indexing strategy already has large unrealized gains it is hard to catch up, but the enhanced indexing strategy can still generate losses for tax purposes. Enhanced indexing is the preferred option when a portfolio is already heavily appreciated.

Finsum: Direct indexing and enhanced indexing are both novel strategies in maintaining an ETF like strategy while taking advantage of tax-loss harvesting.

Legal experts are predicting there could be an expansion coming to the DOL fiduciary. Partners at Faegre Drinker are expecting a proposal in the next quarter or two which would label one-time advisors involved in retirement rollover or IRA assets to be labeled fiduciaries. One time advice-givers particularly those trying to establish a relationship would now be labeled as fiduciary advice. Reporters reached out to the Department of Labor but they did not respond to a request for a comment about the change. However, legal federations are expected to challenge the further expansion of the DOL fiduciary classification.

Finsum: This would be a major change to the DOL Fiduciary rule and could really impact advisors trying to gain clients.

The 2019 Secure Act was THE critical piece of legislation for annuities in the 21st century, but that could change with the upcoming LIFE Act which is working its way to voting. Where the secure act made legal production of annuities easier and allowed them to be a part of retirement plans, the LIFE Act will allow annuities to be a 50% asset allocation by default from employers. Currently, the LIFE Act has strong bipartisan and posts a strong potential of passing, this would allow investors to double their baseline investment in annuities where it was previously capped at 25%.

Finsum: The ultra low rate environment has many investors more interested in turning to annuities for income than almost any other time before.

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