Wealth Management

(New York)

Something very odd is happening at both the DOL and SEC. Ever since the fiduciary rule was killed by the courts earlier this year, a renewed sense of purpose seems to have washed over both agencies. While many thought complacency and a light hand would be the guiding approach of both regulators in the Trump era, somehow the opposite has happened. Now, industry lawyers say both regulators are pursuing enforcement at “epic levels of tenacity”. The focus has increasing been on the 401(k) business, but attention and activity has expanded across the board.

FINSUM: When the DOL declined to push its rule further, and the SEC stopped short of using the word “fiduciary”, most somewhat suspected there was going to be a lighter touch approach. Something has really changed.

(New York)

The DOL’s fiduciary rule may be gone for now, but it is a long way from dead. The rule will be taking a new form in 2019, and even now, its spirit lives on in the form of a number of state-based fiduciary rules. One such is in New Jersey. However, Wall Street is putting up a massive fight to block the rule. Financial Advisor Magazine puts it this way, calling it a Battle Royale and saying it is “pitting the nation’s largest Wall Street and broker-dealer associations against comparatively tiny fiduciary advisor and financial planning associations”.

FINSUM: We think if NJ passed a comprehensive fiduciary rule, it would probably give momentum to not only the DOL, but a number of other states which are working towards this or are on the fence about it.


The Fiduciary Rule is supposed to be dead, right? Well that seems to be more of a myth than reality, as the rule has taken on a life of its own in many forms. Not only is the DOL planning to issue a second version of the rule in 2019, but many states are now creating out their own fiduciary rules. For instance, New Jersey is poised to become one of the first states to adopt a uniform fiduciary standard. Many others already have various fiduciary standards that were put in place after the demise of the first rule. Those that have or are considering changes incude Nevada, Connecticut, California, South Carolina, and South Dakota.

FINSUM: There is a definitely a strong fiduciary undercurrent slowly pushing across the country. However, some states have definitively ruled that a fiduciary relationship does not exist between a client and broker, including New York.

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