Wealth Management

(New York)

The fiduciary rule’s journey has been a seemingly endless saga. Opponents of the rule thought they had finally defeated it when the fifth circuit court ruled against it last year. However, its path is far from over and is showing an interesting parallel: marijuana. Fierce proponents of cannabis legalization have taken a different tact after a federal level push failed—they have gone to the state level. As most will have noticed, marijuana has been legalized in many states as part of a grassroots push for cannabis. The fiduciary rule is now playing out the same way, as new state-level rules have been popping up all over the country, threatening to bring patch work regulation.

FINSUM: One would not naturally think to compare the fiduciary rule and marijuana, but the regulatory path for both is looking quite similar. This would not be a good outcome for broker-dealers.


The fiduciary rule saga has been long and confusing. Firs the DOL Rule fell flat, then the SEC proposed its own rule, only to face harsh criticism from everyone but the brokerage industry. Now there is a new piece of news that we find encouraging: the SEC is apparently working directly with states as part of an effort to craft a new framework that will eliminate any conflicts with state-level fiduciary rules. The SEC is consulting with states like Maryland, Connecticut, Nevada, and New Jersey to make sure there aren’t grey areas or loopholes that create nightmares for advisors and their clients.

FINSUM: There are two positive developments here. On the one hand, it is great that the SEC is trying to iron out any conflicts with state-level rules, but on the other, it is even better that this consultation might actually lead to the dissolution of those state rules.


A lot of brokers have been feeling good about the SEC’s best interest rule. While that may be misguided, the perception is that the rule is significantly less stringent than the DOL rule, and thus offers a better operating paradigm. However, developments with the rule are not looking favorable to those hoping for a loose regulatory structure. In House hearings recently, four out of five witnesses called to testify on the rule said that having no new rule would be better than having the BI proposal implemented. One top compliance firm thinks the SEC is moving towards a much more strict DOL-type rule, saying “We predict that the SEC is going to re-propose [Regulation Best Interest] to make it closer to a fiduciary standard because the states have come out [with their own initiatives]”.

FINSUM: We have said for some time that we do not believe the SEC rule will be implemented in anything near its current form. That is reality is looking ever more likely.

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