Wealth Management

Annuities have been on a hot streak as of late and that continues into the 2021. Data collected from a combination of Morningstar and Beacon Annuity Solutions shows that sales for all annuities are up 17.3% through the first half of 2021 dwarfing previous years growth. And over the previous year up a staggering 27.9%. But the makeup tells the interesting story, total fixed annuities were up 12.1% while fixed annuities were almost level with 0.2% growth. And within variable annuities it was registered index linked annuities that dominated the sector with 11.2% growth and up 107.8% over the previous year’s same period. The book value of fixed annuities grew from 32% from Q1 to Q2 in 2021 totaling $12.7 billion.

FINSUM: This is a huge growth in annuities, and it probably stems from the inflation risk in the bond market, annuities are just the safer alternative for an income stream vs yield-less bonds.

MetaCap has acquired a MCAP technology company in an equity exclusive transaction. MCAP is a fintech software development company that hosts a suite of software and e-market making services that offer liquidity solutions to institutional investors. Metacap sees the acquisition as part of their growth in client facing businesses and sector expansion. They can leverage the new acquisition by expanding what they can offer customers and grow their clientele. Revenue and EBITA growth has been a key point of success for MTEC and that as a one two punch they can be even stronger with the merger moving forward.

FINSUM: This is yet another dip into digital portfolio construction via buyout or merger, and a sign of how quickly fintech is moving the frontier in the financial industry.

The Trump administration put rules in place which forbid employers from considering social or environmental impact when it came to fund selection from enrolling in retirement plans. However, the Biden admin is turning a new leaf on this front as they have proposed a rule which will ease the decision-making process for employers if they want to add ESG funds to their employees’ retirement plans. This is yet another proposal from the Biden admin that favors renewables and green corporations in the country's transition to net zero emissions. Part of the response is a boost in demand as investors have overwhelming interest in ESG in their portfolios. It isn’t a no brainer that ESG should be a part of a retirement portfolio, as it does prepare for downside risk, but it may not outperform.

FINSUM: The U.S. 401(k) savings machine is a huge pool of investment, and institutional savings could be a major boost to ESG demand.

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