Wednesday, 26 June 2024 13:05

FTC Makes Crucial Change to Recruiting

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Non-compete agreements are rare among wirehouse advisors but more common in the employee RIA space. However, non-solicitation pacts are more prevalent and are different in nature, allowing advisors to move to competitors but restricting direct client solicitation. The FTC's recent rule banning most non-compete agreements has stirred discussions in the financial services industry, particularly regarding its potential impact on advisor movement.


Despite concerns, many advisors already operate without non-competes, and the rule's long-term impact remains uncertain due to expected legal challenges. The financial advisory industry is currently experiencing high levels of recruiting and acquisition activity, driven by advisors seeking better fits for their practices and firms enhancing services to retain talent. 


Non-solicitation agreements allow advisors to announce their moves indirectly, hoping clients will follow, but moving firms still entails significant effort. 

Finsum: These legislative changes are something to keep in mind in recruiting and changing firms, but also when it comes to selecting a new firm. 

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