Friday, 02 February 2024 07:28

AI Use Case for Financial Advisors: Client Engagement

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Investing in the right technology has the power to create a more efficient, scalable, and successful practice. The latest disruptive technology is artificial intelligence (AI) which will affect many different parts of a practice and is already impacting specific areas. 


Advisors who are able to effectively leverage AI will see a material and quantifiable impact in terms of generating leads, conversion rates, retention, and reducing time spent on operations and management. Client engagement is an area where advisors are already applying AI to generate positive outcomes and deliver more personalized outreach and services.


Ideally, an advisor would be able to spend hours learning and preparing for a client meeting. In reality, this is not possible given constraints and other responsibilities. However, with AI, an advisor can effectively organize and review all of a clients’ data, including notes from previous conversations, and find insights to deliver a more unique and valuable experience. 


AI can also help sort through all of the data generated by an advisor or practice and find hidden opportunities or potential risks. They can also provide guidance in terms of strategic decisions and long-term planning. It’s recommended to use a specialist AI model for these purposes given that it’s trained in relevant data and adheres to regulatory standards. 

Finsum: AI is the latest disruptive technology that will certainly impact multiple aspects of an advisors’ practice. Here is how it’s already affecting client engagement. 


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