Thursday, 07 December 2023 07:52

Recruiting Tips for Financial Advisors

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Having a strategy to acquire new clients is necessary for any financial advisory practive to grow and thrive. Yet, there are multiple paths to accomplishing this goal. Some examples are cold calling, digital marketing, in-person networking, etc.


While the tactics can vary, the principles are the same. This entails identifying your target client, figuring out your unique value proposition, and identifying the best medium to reach prospects in a way that is complementary to your personality.


It can also be helpful to spend more time with your existing clients. This will strengthen these connections and increase the chances of getting a referral. These types of referrals have a higher chance of conversion given a stronger foundation of trust. It’s also a reminder that the most important job of an advisor is to build relationships which can only be done by spending time with clients and prospects.


By making financial planning a family affair, you can increase your chances of serving the next generation. This will give you an opportunity to spend time and build a relationship with multiple family members which could ultimately be assets in terms of recruiting, retention, and finding leads. 

Finsum: There are many tactics when it comes to landing new clients for financial advisors. However, many successful strategies have some important principles in common. 


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