Wednesday, 15 November 2023 04:11

How Advisors Can Appeal to Gen Z

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Financial advisors can increase their chances of success of landing Generation Z clients by understanding their generational preferences. Many of these younger investors have an intuitive relationship with technology, so they are interested in digital solutions which will give them a more interactive experience. At the same time, they are also accustomed to having instant access to information.


Therefore, it’s prudent to have the right tech stack in place to facilitate this in addition to a comprehensive digital marketing and communication strategy. This includes social media, interactive content, and other tools to increase engagement. These can also be effective mediums for advisors to show their personality and knowledge to build a more authentic connection with prospects. A successful and repeatable strategy is to offer a free financial assessment which can be an effective lead-generation tool and more effective for younger investors than a phone call or face-to-face meeting.


Many in this generation are also enamored with newer asset classes like cryptocurrencies, so advisors should be able to engage on these topics. In terms of soft skills, advisors should cultivate an air of approachability, relevance, and empathy to increase their appeal.  

Finsum: Gen Z is coming of age and will soon be entering their 30s. Here are some tips on how to appeal to this demographic. 


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