Wednesday, 15 November 2023 03:11

SEC’s Gensler Comments on AI Proposal

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Over the summer, the SEC made a proposal that advisors and brokers would have to address conflicts that emerge through investors interacting with artificial intelligence, an algorithm, or similar technology. At the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association annual conference, there was some discussion over this proposal with SEC Chair Gary Gensler challenging the audience of financial professionals in his remarks.


Essentially, many believe that this is a way to expand Reg BI to make it apply to all sorts of interactions that happen between an advisor and client. SEC Chair Gary Gensler pushed back on this when he remarked, “We’re not trying to change Reg BI or change the fiduciary guidance.” He clarified that instead the SEC is looking to crack down on the use of predictive analytics to ‘micro target’ investors.


According to Gensler, there is an inherent conflict between current standards and this new technology if it’s built to help an advisor or broker increase their earnings as it would lead to unsuitable recommendations. He wants to see these algorithms modified so that the advisors’ interests are eliminated or neutralized. However, he didn’t have a strong opinion on how this should be achieved, citing that there are multiple paths to achieving this goal.  

Finsum: The SEC is proposing a new rule for use of AI and predictive data analysis. At a recent conference, SEC Chair Gary Gensler provided some more details about the proposal. 

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