Saturday, 27 May 2023 05:21

Direct Indexing is Ideal for Investors With These Concerns

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Every year, there are countless innovations in wealth management but only a few prove to have staying power and become a disruptive force. It’s increasingly clear that direct indexing is here to stay given its massive growth over the last couple of years.

It also serves a unique niche, because it offers the benefits of index investing with more customization and tax savings. According to a report from Cerulli Associates, direct indexing is expected to continue growing at a similar pace over the next decade due to these reasons. And, it’s especially useful for investors who want to prioritize tax loss harvesting and ESG. 

The report also shows that there’s considerable room for growth given that only 14% of advisors are aware of it and recommending it to their clients. However, the firm is confident in its growth especially as fee-based models continue to take market share. It forecasts 12.3% growth over the next 5 years.

Given its usefulness and newness, direct indexing is one way that advisors can differentiate themselves. It can also help create a more personalized experience for clients which can lead to more loyalty and retention. 

FinSum: Direct indexing is expected to continue rapidly growing over the next decade, and it’s particularly beneficial for tax loss savings and ESG investing. 

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