Thursday, 18 May 2023 13:42

Attract High Net-Worth Investors With Direct Indexing

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In an article for AdvisorPerspectives, Jack Van Dyke of Russell Investments shared some strategies for advisors to attract high net worth investors with direct indexing. 

For most advisors, most strategies or tactics to grow their practice revolve around generating additional revenue from existing clients or adding new high net worth clients. And, the key to accomplishing these goals is to have a unique and differentiated offering. 

Direct indexing fits the bill as it can help reduce a clients’ tax bill, retain the benefits of indexing, and allow for effective customization. While most advisors are aware of this innovation, they have not yet begun offering it to clients. 

Therefore, it’s essential to start the conversation with your prospects and clients. Van Dyke recommends that advisors begin by asking questions to determine whether direct indexing is a good fit for them. These include whether or not they are expecting a large windfall in the future, their current tax liabilities from investments, and whether they have a concentrated stock position. 

These questions are effective conversation starters that you can transition into a discussion about why direct indexing can help them reach their financial goals while giving them more control over their financial destiny.

Finsum: The key to a financial advisory practice is to grow their business and/or increase revenue per client. Direct indexing is one way that advisors can achieve these goals.


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