Tuesday, 28 March 2023 15:58

Americans Committed to Preserving Retirement Amid Market Volatility

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According to a report released this month by the Investment Company Institute, only 2.5% of defined contribution plan participants stopped contributing to their plans last year. This suggests that despite market volatility, Americans are still exhibiting disciplined savings habits. The report, titled “Defined Contribution Plan Participants’ Activities, 2022,” examined participant-directed changes in DC plans by tracking activity through recordkeeper surveys and comparing it to data going back to 2008. Based on the results, DC plan participants remained committed to making contributions like they had in previous years. For instance, only 2.2% of participants stopped contributing in 2021, 2.3% in 2020, 2.3% in 2019, and 3.4% in 2009. In fact, the withdrawal activity of defined contribution plan participants was 4.1% in 2022, the same as in 2021. In prior years, the percentage of plan participants who took withdrawals was 3.8% in 2020, 3.9% in 2019, and 3.1% in 2009. While levels of hardship withdrawal activity increased slightly last year, they were still low in absolute terms. This indicated that despite a challenging market environment, Americans are set on protecting their retirement savings, which was the conclusion of the ICI report.

Finsum:According to the results of a recent ICI report, only 2.5% of defined contribution plan participants stopped contributing to their plans last year despite a challenging market environment.

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