Tuesday, 07 March 2023 05:31

Survey: Advisers Not Optimistic About the Future of ESG

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According to a Cogent Syndicated report from Escalent, advisors are not optimistic about the future of ESG investing partly due to growing political tension. Last year, 58% of advisors used ESG investments, down 10 percentage points from 2020, according to the Livonia, Michigan-based firms survey of over 500 financial advisors in September. In addition, only 15% of advisors who used ESG agree with its importance, while the majority of advisors don’t think ESG investing is a significant factor in attracting new clients. As part of the report, Linda York, a senior vice president in the financial services research division of Escalent, stated, “In the past six months, the topic of ESG investing has become even more divisive as political tensions rise. With firms suffering public backlash from using what many call ‘woke’ investment strategies, many advisors are waiting for clarity from regulators before using ESG investments. Increased supervision from federal or state legislature with added qualifications and reporting can only help in terms of ESG becoming more popular among advisors and investors alike.” In examining the reasons for the growing tension, Escalent said that advisors were concerned by the inconsistent definitions and perceived negative public sentiment of ESG.

Finsum:Based on the results of a recent report from Escalent, advisors are not optimistic about the future of ESG due to inconsistent definitions and perceived negative public sentiment.

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