Wealth Management

(New York)

If there is a product that looks like it has a great ten-year horizon ahead of it, it might just be annuities. Just like eSports and electric vehicles seem to have a great demographic trend behind them, annuities will ride a wave of retirees into great success. However, that is not the only tailwind. The other is ultra-low interest rates, which have completely upended the role of bonds in a portfolio. They yield very little and have a great deal of risk. Understanding that, annuities have a very interesting role to play, as between the three major types: fixed, variable, and fixed index, they offer a range of options that can help replace bonds. Fixed annuities offer set guaranteed income, variable give banded income but offer some upside, and fixed index work as a hybrid between the two.

FINSUM: Annuities have gotten a bad reputation over the years because of some high fees and bad actors, but product suites have gotten better. They can really round out a client’s need for low volatility income.

(New York)

Imagine you are an advisor at a big brand name broker-dealer or wirehouse. As much as you might gripe about your ever-changing compensation plan or the structures the firm puts in place, one thing you really like is that the logo on your business helps you win clients. Naturally then, losing that logo is a big challenge, both in terms of marketing, but also in terms you one’s own psychology. Therefore, when going independent it is critical to consider the marketing support you may receive. Many RIAs have next to none, or at least not much more than off-the-shelf options. However, some RIAs differentiate themselves through branding and marketing, such as leading investment concepts or customized marketing that empowers each advisor.

FINSUM: This might sound silly, but when considering whether to join an RIA google their name and check the Google News tab. Find key terms on their site (e.g. do they have any trademarked words?) and do the same. The firm’s marketing prowess will quickly become clear.

(New York)

Annuities have seen a pickup in interest over the last year. At first this was because of the big drop in markets last spring, but as the year progressed annuities picked up steam because of ultra-low interest rates, which effectively rob retirees of income. For those who want rock solid guaranteed steady income, fixed annuities work best. But for many, especially those can afford some risk to the exact of income they will receive, variable annuities can work very well. Most variable annuities have a couple critical features—they allow you some degree of investment selection, if not total control, and they often guarantee your principal (though not interest income). What this allows is higher payouts if the market does well, but still a guarantee you won’t lose your principal. For those who want the safety of an annuity, but still some income upside because of market growth, variable annuities can be a good choice.

FINSUM: Annuities have some strong demand behind them right now and only seem likely to do better as rates stay low and more Boomers enter retirement.

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