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(New York)

Investors look out! After years of booming asset prices on the back of extraordinarily loose monetary policy, everything looks like it is about to implode. Not only is the Fed hiking and looking hawkish, but the ECB is in the middle of a covert meeting likely about how to end QE. China also looks close to reigning in its economy. Altogether, the economy on which current markets have been built looks set for change, which might cause big problems for equity investors.

FINSUM: So far “normalization” of interest rates has been quite slow, which has let investors sort of ignore the process. If things start accelerating quickly, then markets may react very sharply.

Thursday, 14 June 2018 09:18

The Fed Hikes and Looks Hawkish


In a widely expected move yesterday, Jerome Powell announced the first hike of his stint as the head of the Fed. The move was a quarter point higher to between 1.75% and 2%. Powell promised to be more open and transparent about the Fed’s outlook than in former times. Powell presented the rosiest outlook on the US economy in memory, repeatedly expressing strong optimism. He indicated that there were two more hikes planned for this year.

FINSUM: All the optimism comes across as quite hawkish despite Powell’s intentions to seem gradual. We appear to be on definite course higher.

(New York)

Before President Trump got elected, and immediately after, there was a great deal of excitement that financial firms were going to experience a flourishing as the US cut back heavily on financial regulation. 500 days in that hope has failed to significantly materialize. While small and medium sized banks have benefitted, and the DOL’s fiduciary rule is gone (great for wealth management), large banks have not seen gains. For instance, the Fed has made stress tests for large banks more stringent.

FINSUM: Banks had the prop trading rules (Volcker rule) weakened recently, so that is positive, but otherwise there hasn’t been much change.

Thursday, 14 June 2018 09:14

Musk Wins Hyperloop Contract


One of Elon Musk’s most promising and exciting ideas just won a major funding bid. A couple of years ago Musk divulged his idea for underground “hyperloop” travel that sent people whisking around at hundreds of miles an hour underground. Well, the idea is going to become a reality, as Chicago has just awarded Musk’s “Boring Company” a contract to build such a link between O’Hare airport and the city. The distance between the two is 18 miles and currently takes around 40 mins. Musk’s plan would cut the trip to 12 min. The deal will be privately funded.

FINSUM: This sounds like a great proof of concept for Musk, but we do worry it will take some of his focus away from executing on Tesla.


A week ago it didn’t seem like it was going to happen, but nonetheless it is. Trump plans to move ahead with imposing $50 bn worth of tariffs on China starting as soon as tomorrow. The move is expected to bring heavy retaliation from Beijing. Several days ago, China made a conciliatory offer to boost purchases of US goods by tens of billions of Dollars.

FINSUM: We think the US’ approach to link the trade situation to working with China on North Korea is not a very smart angle, as nuclear security and agricultural goods don’t sit comfortably.

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