Displaying items by tag: bonds

Thursday, 15 November 2018 14:16

Goldman Sachs Says Yield Inversion Looms

(New York)

With all the volatility of the last month, and midterms, less focus has been on one of the most ominous of economic signs—the yield curve. Well, Goldman Sachs has just weighed in, warning investors that a yield curve inversion is looming. Goldman went further than to say that 2-years might be flat or overtake 10-years, the bank said that spreads between 2- and 30-year bonds would fall to zero. To put that call into perspective, it would be a narrowing of 50 basis points versus now. Goldman highlighted the move in its top themes to watch for 2019.

FINSUM: We have to give Goldman Sachs a little credit here as they have been consistently hawkish about rates for at least a year and are sticking to it. We tend to agree with this view.

Published in Bonds: Treasuries
Wednesday, 14 November 2018 10:58

Treasuries Won’t Protect You From this Stock Market

(New York)

One of the safe bets during bouts of volatility since the Financial Crisis has been to pile into Treasury bonds anytime things got tough. Every time stocks dipped, the bonds tended to rally strongly and became a safe haven. However, since the recent downturn in equities, this correlation has ceased. Even amidst stock and oil’s plunges recently, Treasuries have basically remained flat, giving no comfort to investors.

FINSUM: The big difference this time around is that the volatility is coming during a period of rising rates, which means Treasury bonds are not as safe a bet as in the past several years.

Published in Bonds: Treasuries
Tuesday, 13 November 2018 09:18

Why BBBs Won’t Quit

(New York)

Everyone is watching the BBB bond market with a very close eye. The bottom fringe of the investment grade market, it saw an extraordinary jump in issuance over the last few years. Now, with rates rising, it looks very vulnerable. However, all that suspicion hasn’t amounted to much as investors have kept the area afloat. Ratings agencies and the IMF have both warned about the startling growth of BBB issuance, but so far, the sector is holding up.

FINSUM: Don’t be fooled. There is a massive amount of BBB debt and when a recession finally arrives alongside much higher rates, there seems bound to be a reckoning. That said, there are pockets of the market, like utilities credits, that seem like they will hold up better.

Published in Bonds: IG
Monday, 12 November 2018 12:07

What are Junk Bonds Saying About Stocks?

(New York)

One of the best indicators of stock market performance is actually in bonds. Because they trade based on fundamentals, high yield bonds tend to be strong leading indicators of stock performance. With markets swinging all over the place, now might be a good time to see what junk bonds are doing. The answer is that the sector looks to be in good shape, with spreads holding steady and no real sign of concern.

FINSUM: Junk is probably not going to really worry until we get very near, or into an inverted yield curve, as a recession would be rough on the high yield market.

Published in Bonds: High Yield
Friday, 09 November 2018 10:37

Don’t Worry About Higher Rates

(New York)

There are a lot of investors out there worried about rates moving higher and bond prices falling as a result. Treasury yields have moved much higher over the last year, which has spooked investors. All that said, one fund manager thinks investors shouldn’t fret too much. The reason why is that markets likely have already priced in rate hikes in, so losses shouldn’t be much. Furthermore, we have actually entered a more normal yield environment, where one can earn meaningful yields on shorter-term credits that don’t have much interest rate risk.

FINSUM: This article raises a good point about the current yield environment. While rate driven losses are worrying, we have finally entered an environment where one can earn comfortable yields on interest rate hedged portfolios.

Published in Bonds: Total Market

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