Displaying items by tag: bonds

Jerome Powell and the Fed turned a 180 this week with the future of its asset tapering and interest rate hikes. The Fed sees Covid and omicron as yesterday's demons and have set their sights on inflation. With that the Fed is gearing up for potentially three rate hikes in 2022 and is moving away from the transitory inflation story. This could be bad for bond investors as the Fed’s tune could change if omicron picks up or inflation shifts gears, meaning there is a lot of uncertainty about future rates. Nonetheless, higher rates could undercut existing long term bonds so those still invested in bonds should consider switching their investments to shorter duration Fixed Income ETFs or less sensitive corporate bonds. Lower duration bond ETFs will be more stable when there is interest rate uncertainty (unlike in standard times).

FINSUM: The Fed could just as quickly hop off the inflation fighting hawk train if they get a series of lower PCE reports, which means investors need to be ready for various scenarios.

Published in Bonds: Treasuries
Wednesday, 15 December 2021 20:28

Active Fixed Income ETFs Get Booming Inflows

Saying the bond market is difficult would be more than an understatement, and while yields are creeping it's still hard to get the historic performance. However, many investors are turning to active fixed income ETFs. This has led to a swelling of inflows into the market category making up 16% of ETF inflows in 2021 through October. Turmoil at the Fed and the continual threat of a taper tantrum have many investors looking to pros to sort out the difficulties in the bond market. Active FI ETFs can also fit narrower targets and accommodate the rapidly shifting macroeconomic environment.

FINSUM: Seasoned veterans at the helm make the most sense when the environment is shifting, and active ETF can edge out when the future is uncertain.

Published in Bonds: IG
Monday, 13 December 2021 08:10

Quants are Coming For The Bond Market

The low yields in the bond market have made it relatively uninteresting to the average investor, but there is a revolution underway. The bond market has been dominated by traditional techniques and old school investors, but many of the quants and hedge funds that overturned the equity market are eyeing the bond market. Systematic corporate bond investing is expanding and firms are taking advantage of trends in government debt or pricing anomalies in bond derivatives. Driving this trend in the bond market is swaths of data that are a part of how trades are now realized. Companies like Blackstone Credit are prepared for the shift into a more systematic trading environment in bonds, and other companies are ramping up their tools to accommodate this shift. FINSUM: Hard to acquire data, and a less liquid market have made bonds less desirable for quants, but the information age is rapidly changing that standard. 

Published in Bonds: Total Market
Monday, 06 December 2021 19:43

How to Outperform in Bonds

The bond market boon has been bad for many fixed income investors, and debt is coming to term in a higher inflationary environment which is eating up all the return. However, bond market investors are turning to factor based investing to earn excess returns. Factor investing is a $700 billion market in equities, and it dwarfs the $25 billion dollar fixed income factor market. Factor investor modifies indices based on factors they think can give an edge over traditional indices. Active bond factor investing can outperform traditional indices in rising yield environments, but factor investing is looking to rival these active funds with systemic decisions. A ‘smart beta’ approach will look to outperform in high yield and emerging market debt.

FINSUM: The extensive literature on systemic fixed income is relatively small, and that's why smart beta strategies have failed to take off in the bond market like they have in equities.

Published in Bonds: Total Market

Worried about rising interest rates? These three strategies can help mitigate interest-rate risk ... Read More

Published in Bonds: Total Market
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