Displaying items by tag: active management

With clients pulling an estimated $130 billion in assets from Janus Henderson since 2017, the fund firm’s new boss is looking to revive the company by leaning into active management and pushing into alternative investments such as hedge funds and private credit. Ali Dibadj, who took over as CEO in June, acknowledged the firm’s difficulties and laid out a turnaround strategy, which includes pushing into some of the most competitive areas of the market to stop the bleeding. A committee of 40 senior staff members met for months to understand what clients want and then created a revival strategy. At the root of the plan is a bet on active management. The firm believes that active management can bring the best returns to investors. In addition to active funds, Janus is looking to focus on liquid alternatives, for which it currently has $20 billion under management. While the division hasn't received much attention, it houses several hedge funds. Last year, the unit had net inflows of $2 billion into products including multi-strategy hedge funds and equity- and commodity-enhanced index funds. Dibadj is also looking into illiquid alternatives. The firm is considering using private credit to augment its fixed-income unit and products tied to mortgage-backed and high-yield securities. Dibadj said the “move stems from client demand for such products.”

Finsum:After seeing $130 billion pulled from its funds, new Janus Henderson CEO Ali Dibadj is looking to stem the bleeding by betting on active management and moving into alternatives such as liquid alternatives and private credit.

Published in Wealth Management
Monday, 27 February 2023 05:08

Fidelity Launched Active Muni Bond Fund

Fidelity Investments recently announced it was adding to its active fixed-income strategies lineup with the launch of the Fidelity Municipal Core Plus Bond Fund (FMBAX). According to Fidelity, FMBAX is available commission-free and with no investment minimum to individual investors and financial advisors through Fidelity’s online brokerage platforms. The fund has a 0.37% net expense ratio and a 1.28% gross expense ratio. FMBAX is measured against the Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index and the Fidelity Municipal Core Plus Bond Composite Index, and aims to provide a high current yield exempt from federal income taxes, and may also consider capital growth. Co-managers Cormac Cullen, Michael Maka, and Elizah McLaughlin will analyze the credit quality of the issuer, security-specific features, current and potential future valuation, and trading opportunities to select investments. The fund launch comes at a time when the retail and institutional demand for higher-yielding municipal bond funds is growing. According to the fund giant, this new product seeks to offer a strong yield and total return profile, with potentially lower volatility than pure high-yield funds. Jamie Pagliocco, Fidelity’s fixed income head has this to say about the fund launch, “Fidelity’s growing suite of active fixed income investment products leverage Fidelity’s breadth and depth of resources and expertise as an active manager to identify investment opportunities across the credit spectrum.”

Finsum:Fidelity Investments launched an active municipal bond mutual fund amid increased retail and institutional demand for higher-yielding municipal bond funds.

Published in Bonds: Total Market
Sunday, 19 February 2023 13:47

Pension Funds Turn to Active Bond Strategies

Last year was a tough year for bond investors, even pension funds. With the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond index down 14.6%, funds had to look elsewhere to bolster returns. According to a recent Pensions & Investments survey, a significant portion of defined benefit plans reported smaller bond portfolios as of September 30th, with many dropping more than 20%. For instance, the $430.4 billion California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) saw its U.S. fixed-income exposure drop 38.3% in the year ending on September 30th to $77.2 billion. In addition, the $288.6 billion California State Teachers' Retirement System saw its domestic bond exposure fall 12.9% in the 12 months ending on September 30th to $41.3 billion. With pension funds not wanting a repeat of 2022, many are turning to active bond strategies. For example, CalPERS is looking toward active management to turn things around. The pension fund's active and passive fixed-income exposure amounted to $77.4 billion and -$206 million as of September 30th, 2022, compared to $91.6 billion and $33.6 billion a year earlier. Arnold Phillips, managing investment director for global fixed income at the pension fund, noted that the current market could provide "opportunities to tactically deploy assets when managed through an active risk governance model," which could help turn performance around.

Finsum:With pension funds seeing their bond exposures plummet last year, many are turning to active fixed-income strategies this year in the hope of turning performance around.

Published in Bonds: Total Market
Friday, 10 February 2023 03:41

Capital Group Launches 12 New Model Portfolios

Capital Group, the parent company of American Funds, recently launched 12 active-passive model portfolios featuring Capital Group as the strategist. The models will be made up of American Funds' actively managed mutual funds and passively-managed ETFs from Vanguard, Schwab, and BlackRock. As the strategist, Capital Group will select the passive ETFs in each model and manage the allocations. The models are the latest in a series of active-passive model portfolios from Capital Group that include growth, growth and income, preservation and income, and retirement income strategies. They are designed to help advisors balance the demands of investment management with the need to scale their businesses and deepen client relationships. Capital Group's model portfolio business is an area of strategic focus for the firm. Its model portfolio business has more than tripled in assets under management since 2018. The new models bring the total number of model portfolios available nationally to 31. The new models comprise nine core models and three retirement-income-focused models. They include:


  • Capital Group Active-Passive Global Growth Model
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Growth Model
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Moderate Growth Model
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Growth and Income Model
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Moderate Growth and Income Model
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Conservative Growth and Income Model
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Conservative Income and Growth Model
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Conservative Income Model
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Preservation Model
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Retirement Income Model - Enhanced
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Retirement Income Model - Moderate
  • Capital Group Active-Passive Retirement Income Model - Conservative

Finsum:Capital Group added to its series of active-passive models with the launch of 12 new model portfolios, including nine core models and three retirement-income-focused models.

Published in Wealth Management

Last month, we wrote about a survey that revealed advisors are seeing the importance of active ETFs since owning passive index-only ETFs left them too exposed to market conditions. Another survey was performed this month showing similar results. VettaFi held a webcast called Active Strategies for Rising Rate Headwinds that featured Franco Ditri and Chris Murphy of T. Rowe Price and Todd Rosenbluth of VettaFi talking about the Fed’s monetary policy outlook and how financial advisors can incorporate active strategies into a bond portfolio. After the webcast, a poll was taken revealing that more advisors are seeing the need to add active management to their portfolios, given the likelihood that the Fed will continue to raise rates. The majority of respondents expect to increase their exposure to active ETF strategies, with 50% being “very likely” and 39% saying they are “somewhat likely.” Of those, 39% of respondents said they would most likely consider high-yield/bank loan funds for exposure, with 27% saying they would consider active short-term bond funds. In addition, 20% are contemplating core-plus and 14% are looking toward core bond funds. If the Fed continues its tightening policy, actively managed fixed-income strategies could help reduce risk.

Finsum:A post-webcast poll revealed that more advisors are seeing the importance of active fixed income with the Fed continuing to pursue a tight monetary policy.

Published in Bonds: Total Market
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