Friday, 26 October 2018 12:10

The Best Ways to Play a Value Stock Revival

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(New York)

Value investing has been dead for a long time. So long in fact that many of its strongest disciples are even starting to wonder if it will ever return. Well, something interesting has happened this month. The broader market was down 8.9%, but the S&P Value Index only fell 5%, showing that value stocks have actually been outperforming the market during the recent turmoil. BlackRock is sticking to value stocks, with the head of factor-based investment strategy commenting that “We find the economic rationale still holds … We’re comforted by 90 years of long-run data, where value time and time again outperforms growth”. One of the issues for investors is that there is no clear way to define value, as each index uses its own metrics.

FINSUM: Value stocks do seem interesting right now, as this is the kind of environment where they would thrive. But do you determine value based on price to book, P/E ratio, returns, or something else?

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