Friday, 26 August 2022 04:49

Interest rates? Up and up they almost certainly go.

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Meantime, investors so far continue to quake over performance of fixed income assets.

The Fed’s expected to continue fueling interest rates not on through the second half of the year, but into next year as well, according to Consequently, the degree of the yield curve inversion may top what had been the two cycles before.

Now, up to now for the year, a regular theme’s emerged: the trepidations among investors evolving around the performance of fixed income assets. Some of the top questions swirling in the noggins of fixed income investors that Wells identified: 

  1. What is happening to bonds so far in 2022?
  2. Why continue to invest in bonds?
  3. Why is the Fed garnering so much attention this year?
  4. What should investors expect from the remaining three Fed meetings of this year?
  5. What does Fed quantitative tightening mean?


While some market activities are difficult project, one thing that can be pinpointed are long trends in fixed income investing, according to Why? Because we can see them and, among all fixed income managers, increasing rife with significance. 

Six trends they’re picking up on in the industry include Direct Indexing or Custom Indexing; Increased use of home office model portfolios; tax-loss harvesting in SMAs; truly optimizing rather than sequentially allocating; insisting on system interoperability; aggregating various data sources; and a shift in the Build vs. Buy debate.

--And these developments should be embraced, according to the site. “We believe these six trends are changing fixed income portfolio management for the better.”

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