Monday, 15 October 2018 09:30

The Winners and Losers in Rising Rates

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(New York)

Whether investors like it or not, the market seems to have finally come to grips with the reality of higher rates. That realization has started to change the performance of different assets from even a week ago. So who will win and who will lose? On the positive side, financials and banks seem likely to benefit, as they make a great deal of their income from interest. Energy and materials stock are likely to shine as well as they benefit from the expanding economy. On the losing side will be utilities, housing, and autos stocks, all of which are sensitive to higher rates in their own ways. No one can be sure how tech might respond, as the sector is young enough that there is not good evidence to say how it might react.

FINSUM: The business case for how most sectors will be impacted by higher rates is clear. If only share performance were so simple.

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