Monday, 25 October 2021 19:26

The Big Opportunity for Robotics

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Labor shortages are rampant all across the country. It’s at its most prominent in food services and restaurants, as 80% of restaurants report to be understaffed. Companies like Miso Robotics are stepping in, as they test burger-flipping robots at CaliBurger and White Castle and are expanding their abilities to wing production at Buffalo Wild Wings. Miso says their strategy was never to swing in or capitalize on a labor shortage, but undoubtedly they are benefiting from the epidemic that is affecting the whole country.The labor shortages could continue, and those shortages permeate the AI and robotics industry themselves. There is a lot of demand for those working on robotics, and in the meantime, they aren’t fully capable of supplanting the restaurant workforce, which means there is a lot of upside.

FINSUM: Restaurant services are full of opportunities for robotics and it’s not just in cooking, they are also being used in a major way for food delivery services.

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