Wealth Management

(New York)

The industry has been talking about it for years, but now it appears to be happening in earnest—advisors are finally targeting younger clients in force. While Baby Boomers dominate the industry’s AUM right now, 42% of firms say they are actively changing their marketing and networking to attract Gen Xers and Millennials. TD Ameritrade comments that “In just five years, RIAs expect 41% of their clients to be Gen Xers or millennials. This should be a wake up call to those who think that Next Gen wealth is literally still a generation away”.

FINSUM: The tide is really starting to shift and it is going to happen faster and faster over the next few years as Baby Boomers age and the wealth of the young grows.


One of the senior-most figures at the SEC, Michael Piwowar, who has been a commissioner for five years, has just announced he will step down from his post after July 7th. The resignation has massive implications for advisors because Piwowar has been a strong opponent of the DOL version of the fiduciary rule and has generally been very pro de-regulation. His stepping down will leave just four commissioners active, two of whom are Democrats. This means the new SEC version of the fiduciary rule, universally seen as more accommodating to the industry, might have some severe difficulties in getting approved, as the Democrats are likely to vote against its implementation.

FINSUM: So in order to alleviate this risk, the White House and Senate would need to move quickly to nominate and approve a new commissioner/s. Nonetheless, this remains a major risk.


The DOL made an announcement yesterday, telling the industry that it would temporarily suspend enforcement action of various parts of its fiduciary rule. The department said it “will not pursue prohibited transactions claims against investment advice fiduciaries who are working diligently and in good faith to comply with the impartial conduct standards for transactions that would have been exempted in the BIC Exemption and Principal Transactions Exemption, or treat such fiduciaries as violating the applicable prohibited transaction rules”.

FINSUM: This was largely expected given the DOL’s loss in the fifth circuit court, but evidently the wording of it came as a surprise.

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