Wealth Management

There have been widespread attempts by the new administration and private financial companies to expand the access to retirement vehicles, but a ‘fiduciary only’ regulation will kill retirement hopes for many low-income communities. Nearly half of black families and almost two-thirds of Hispanic families have no retirement savings account, and a stricter fiduciary rule would make it virtually impossible for these communities to get access to financial securities like annuities which allow them access to guaranteed lifetime income. Previous strict fiduciary rules like in 2016 left 10 million small retirement account owners without financial advisor access and a new rule could have a similar impact. Regulators and public officials should look into alternative approaches if they are interested in building retirement savings in underserved communities.

FINSUM: Unintended consequences of policies most often impact those the policies are seeking to help!

Joe Manchin, Democratic Senator from West Virginia, made a splash last week when he pulled his support for the build back better citing a number of problems that keep him from backing the bill. However, this week Manchin did a 180 on the billionaire tax saying he would be willing to support it in a revised version of the bill. Manchin’s version of the bill includes many of the same spending appropriations such as pre-k care, climate change, and Obamacare, but omitted certain pieces like the child tax credit. Manchin’s vote is critical if Biden hopes to pass the bill, but with rising inflation, labor shortages, and spiking national debt, he’s still reluctant to throw his weight behind Biden’s bill.

FINSUM: Remember the House’s version of the bill didn’t include a billionaire tax, even if Manchin puts it back on the table it’s unlikely the final bill will include it.

Wells Fargo is aggressively pushing branch managers to maintain and recruit new brokers with a variety of incentive-based packages. For example, penalties will be in place for a drop in headcount when it comes to year-end bonuses and will include headcount retention and arrivals rather than purely based on overall revenue. Managers say they could lose big if they don’t increase new brokers and retain old ones. Wells has suffered in its ability to retain advisors as of late and is trying to play catch up with the incentives. Separate recruiting and retention bonuses will also be part of next year’s pay incentive structure.

FINSUM: These are drastic pay changes to the management structure; Wells is serious about growing its working base.

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