Displaying items by tag: prospective clients

Sunday, 12 March 2023 17:01

Checklist: How to Get Clients

One of the toughest challenges a financial advisor will face is finding clients that are willing to trust you and let you manage their money. Suzanne Wentley, a professional writer and marketing consultant wrote a checklist article for the email marketing firm Constant Contact on how to get clients as a financial advisor. Her first action step is to nail your pitch and create a proposal packet filled with information that lets your prospective clients know what sets you apart from other financial advisors. Her next step is to improve your website ranking. She recommends a well-designed, mobile-responsive website that is optimized for SEO by integrating keywords that people search for. Wentley’s third step is to get listed in directories such as The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, Garrett Planning Network, Boomerater, Paladin Registry, and the Financial Planning Association Directory. Her next step is to request and monitor reviews. For instance, when someone leaves a review, you should respond to it quickly and professionally. Wentley’s fifth step is to find networking opportunities through LinkedIn or hosting small in-person events. Writing guest blogs is another tool to gain new clients. Look for relevant sites where your clients are likely to spend time and submit blog ideas to those sites. The seventh and final action step is to try paid advertisements as such as Google Ads and see what keywords and messaging are most effective.

Finsum:Marketing consultant Suzanne Wentley provided a seven-step action plan for getting clients, including nailing your pitch, improving your website ranking, getting listed in directories, requesting and monitoring reviews, finding networking opportunities, writing guest blogs, and trying paid advertisements.


Published in Wealth Management

If you’re an advisor and looking to generate more leads for your business, a strong website is a must. Its where potential clients can find you. Susan Theder, chief marketing, and experience officer at FMG Suite recently laid out the five most important pages every advisor website must have in an article for Financial Advisor Magazine. According to Theder, the most important page is the Home page. It gives people their first impression of you and should answer the following questions: Who do you serve, what problems do you solve, and what’s your visitor’s next step? Another must-have page is the About Us page as it’s the “place they go to meet you virtually.” But it shouldn’t look like a resume. Instead, it should include your story, why and how you got into the business, and information about your support staff. Next is the Services page, where you can list your service offerings, but you should write it from the client’s perspective. Include the challenges they are likely facing and outline how you will solve them. The fourth page is the Blog page, where you can share content to demonstrate your expertise. The fifth and final must-have page is the FAQ Page, where users can find answers to the most common questions a potential client may have.

Finsum:In a recent article for Financial Advisor Magazine, Susan Theder of FMG Suite laid out the top five pages an advisor website must have, including a home page, an about us page, a services page, a blog page, and an FAQ page.

Published in Wealth Management
Monday, 27 February 2023 15:05

7 Networking Tips for Financial Advisors

The competition for prospective clients is as high as ever, which means advisors need to find a way to stand out. One solution is to build out your professional contacts lists through networking. Rebecca Lake authored an article for SmartAsset on some of the best ways to network. Her first suggestion is to join a professional association. They can be a great place to network, as they can facilitate connections between members. For instance, The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) has a “Community” feature where advisors can join open discussions. Advisors can also network at NAPFA’s annual spring and fall conference events. The next tip is to participate in community events. Events in your area may provide opportunities to meet other advisors and increase your visibility in your community. This could include meetup groups or attending a local small business fair. Lake also recommends that advisors utilize social media, as it can be a powerful tool for networking. For example, LinkedIn is a great resource for building professional connections with advisors and other professionals. If your audience is younger, advisors can make short compliant clips with valuable tips on TikTok. In addition to meeting new people, Lake also recommends that advisors ask questions to the people they meet, listen to the answers they provide, and make sure to follow up with them. Plus, advisors should also become facilitators and make introductions for other advisors as networking isn’t a one-way street.

Finsum:Rebecca Lake, a contributor for SmartAsset, provided seven networking tips for advisors, including joining a professional association, participating in local community events, and utilizing social media.

Published in Wealth Management

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