Displaying items by tag: biden

Friday, 28 January 2022 14:20

Biden Labels Crypto a National Security Threat

The Biden Admin has been tip-toeing around crypto regulation since it came into office, but now those public statements are actually materializing in the form of regulation. A top town security memorandum is expected to come down the pipes in the next few weeks which will task separate government agencies to develop regulatory policies around crypto, NFTs, and stable coins. The State Department, Treasury Department, National Economic Council, Council of Economic advisors, and White House Security Council will all be on the job. While the Whitehouse will avoid regulatory suggestions they are putting the burden on these agencies to propose stricter rules.

FINSUM: Crypto regulation isn’t necessarily bad; it's just another closer step toward legitimizing digital currencies in the eyes of countries around the globe.

Published in Alternatives
Thursday, 13 January 2022 17:29

SEC Might Shut Down Trump Era Vestige

Former President Donald Trump wasn’t quiet about his opposition to traditional media outlets and big tech, and in an attempt to solidify that stance he tried to form his own SPAC. However, Biden’s regulatory watchdog and SEC chairman Gary Gensler may be cracking down on the newly forming SPAC. Trump’s SPAC is being backed by some Chinese investors who are drawing the regulator’s eyes. Additionally, Gensler has made it known his opposition to SPAC’s as a financial vehicle regardless. The SEC will be doing more research into Trump’s SPAC and it will face an uphill battle to get approval.

FINSUM: In a wider setting SPACs are still an interesting alternative, but Trump’s history and investors make this particular SPAC riskier.

Published in Wealth Management

Christopher Giancarlo is a former chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and he spoke out against the Biden Admin’s crackdown on crypto. Biden’s Administration has made it clear that he wants tighter controls on stable coins, which peg to the existing government currencies, and crypto more broadly speaking of the systematic risk. Giancarlo says these regulations are short sited and they fail to see how crypto could improve economic growth and efficiency. He also said that a new regulation bureau should be created to manage crypto and that the government should create its own digital dollar. Giancarlo was a republican appointed by the Obama administration, and this criticism could be very important.

FINSUM: Don’t overlook the ability of stable coins to improve economic effectiveness in allowing for more efficient global financial flows.

Published in Alternatives
Friday, 31 December 2021 06:49

Biden Has Big Regulations Coming

Biden was expected to come into the presidency with a tough regulation on Wallstreet. However, the snail’s pace with which Biden replaced key financial regulatory figures, hindered the quick change many expected, but now many officials are in place and change is coming. One of the biggest areas of the crackdown will be on stable coins and other digital currency as the federal government views them as systematically risky. Additionally the Biden admin will begin constricting new fintech lenders, who many in the admin see as pseudo-banks without any of the stringent regulation that affects the real banking industry. This is all part of larger changes that will take a more restrictive stance on Wallstreet undoing a lot of friendlier policies from the Trump administration and will include other central topics like climate change.

FINSUM: With many regulators now in place real change could be coming to the street, the tech-related products which are viewed as unregulated to this new administration.

Published in Wealth Management
Monday, 27 December 2021 21:39

Wealth Tax Back on Table in Biden Bill

Joe Manchin, Democratic Senator from West Virginia, made a splash last week when he pulled his support for the build back better citing a number of problems that keep him from backing the bill. However, this week Manchin did a 180 on the billionaire tax saying he would be willing to support it in a revised version of the bill. Manchin’s version of the bill includes many of the same spending appropriations such as pre-k care, climate change, and Obamacare, but omitted certain pieces like the child tax credit. Manchin’s vote is critical if Biden hopes to pass the bill, but with rising inflation, labor shortages, and spiking national debt, he’s still reluctant to throw his weight behind Biden’s bill.

FINSUM: Remember the House’s version of the bill didn’t include a billionaire tax, even if Manchin puts it back on the table it’s unlikely the final bill will include it.

Published in Wealth Management
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