Wednesday, 20 March 2024 04:58

Clients Want Authenticity

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Navigating social media poses considerable challenges for financial advisors, firm executives, and other professionals, where every post and interaction can potentially impact their professional reputation. However, there's a new strategy emerging, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the personal aspect first, according to April Rudin, founder and CEO of The Rudin Group.


 This shift represents a departure from previous conventions that primarily emphasized showcasing professional backgrounds. Rudin suggests that delving into personal beliefs, passions, and backgrounds can serve as effective conversation starters and entry points for new business opportunities and recruitment efforts. 


While maintaining professionalism remains paramount, there's an increasing recognition of the value in showcasing one's personality and individuality within the confines of firm guidelines. As social media continues to play an integral role in professional networking and client engagement, Rudin's advice underscores the importance of authenticity and human connection in the digital realm.

Finsum: Standing out in a world of increased AI and robo advisors could mean putting more personality into your practice. 


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