Comm: Precious

(New York)

Wells Fargo’s head of real asset strategy John LaForge says gold could hit…see the full story on our partner Magnifi’s site

(New York)

The prospect for rising inflation has been terrifying the market, and investors need a way to play it. April gold futures peaked at $1750 on intraday trading after the recent Federal Reserve decision to leave the federal funds rate unchanged, and that tells investors something important: gold may be the way to go. Moreover, Powell said the fed funds rate would remain unchanged until 2023, even if economic news improved. The Fed even plans to tolerate higher than 2% inflation given inflation has averaged well below the Fed’s Target the past year. This was enough to spike gold prices as investors are now as concerned about future inflation as many investors see the commodity as a hedge. Treasury yield rises had many investors worried the Fed would preemptively tighten, and Gold was down before investors realized how committed the Fed was.

FINSUM: Spreads between inflation-indexed and nominal bonds (TIPS spreads) indicate that rising yields are driven by inflation risk. Gold is one of the most assured hedges against future Inflation.

(New York)

The price of gold has been in a slump after it reached all-time highs mid pandemic. A variety of micro and macro factors are melding to put this commodity in a major second rally ...View the full story on our partner Magnifi’s site

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