Displaying items by tag: income

Thursday, 21 June 2018 09:59

Some Good Income Plays

(New York)

Investors looking for income in the stock market are finding it harder and harder to choose the best equities. Quickly rising short-term bond rates mean many income stocks have seen prices wounded and yields no longer look as attractive. The key, therefore, is to diversify one’s holdings in regards to income. For example, Six Flags is a good income stock (4.3% yield), but instead of combining it with REITs or utilities, try convertible bonds, which are yielding ~3%, but have features which make them trade like growth stocks.

FINSUM: Because stock yields are now lagging bonds yields to a considerable degree, equity-focused income investors are now going to need to be more creative.

Published in Eq: Large Cap
Friday, 15 June 2018 10:14

Doomsday for Income Stocks?

(New York)

Rates are rising, and that usually means bad news for income stocks. This time looks no different. Both utilities and real estate have been wounded this year, with both down between 3% and 6% for the year. The sectors are also getting increasingly unfavorable ratings from analysts.

FINSUM: We are pretty worried about losses coming for good income stocks as short-term Treasuries are yielding so much. Additionally, the Fed is sounding more hawkish, which only adds momentum to losses for rate sensitive equities.

Published in Eq: Large Cap
Monday, 04 June 2018 08:54

Where to Find Safe 5% Yields

(New York)

Safe 5% yields sound very enticing right now don’t they? Well, they are actually not as hard to find as you think if you take a broader perspective. That perspective is to look at standard municipal bonds and examine their real-world yields, or how they compare to taxable bonds. For instance, for a couple living in California with a $250k per year income, a municipal bond yielding 3.0% is equivalent to a taxable bond yielding a whopping 5.8%. This is because of the new tax system brought in by Republicans. One muni expert comments that “I would argue that munis are more attractive than they’ve ever been because, with the loss of various deductions, including SALT, one’s taxable income is higher than it’s ever been”.

FINSUM: This is a very good insight and one to which HNW individuals and advisors need to pay attention. Once investors really come around to this, it could spark a muni bond run.

Published in Bonds: Total Market
Tuesday, 17 April 2018 09:12

Where to Find Good Income

(New York)

With clients aging, valuations high, and rates uncertain, many may be looking for some good income stocks. Look now further than utilities, says Barron’s. In particular, the Reaves Utility Income Fund, which conceives utilities more broadly and includes telecom and interstate gas properties. The overall view for utilities is strong as they are relatively stable during periods of changing rates. Right now they average yields in the mid 3% range and they seem to be able to deliver growth of 5-7% per year. Valuations also look reasonable.

FINSUM: Barron’s paints a rosy picture of the utilities sector, but if rates head head north it could be a tough time. That said, we think rates and yields are going to stay reasonably stable, so these might be a good buy.

Published in Eq: Large Cap
Thursday, 22 February 2018 11:06

The Bond Armageddon is Coming

(New York)

Many investors are currently worried about the bond market. There is a lot of uncertainty over just how much rates and yields will rise and what that might mean for the economy. Well, Bloomberg is taking a strong stand on the issue, arguing that a bond Armageddon is on the way. The paper says that all the focus has been on ten-years, but that 30s might be where the danger is. They are within shouting distance of their 2015-2017 highs, and are very close to the 3.24% level, which would signal the difference between an orderly selloff and a full-on rout.

FINSUM: There may be some short-term volatility, but our overall view is that there won’t be a cataclysm in bonds. Global populations are aging and people need income. We expected yields to stay in check and spreads to narrow even if sovereign yields rise.

Published in Bonds: Total Market
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