Tuesday, 04 October 2022 17:19

Direct indexing has drawn the attention of the titans of the asset management industry

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Interest in directing indexing’s, well, titan

Direct indexing has drawn the attention of the titans of the asset management industry – and the reasons are obvious, according to wealthytrails.com.


Do tell.

Will do. There’s been a steady erosion of the fee management of mutual funds and exchange traded funds stemming from the escalation of ETFs themselves. Room is scant for addition products with more than 2,000 US ETFs and 5,000 US equity mutual funds, based exclusively on a universe of just 3,000 stocks. There’s a search for new revenue generating business areas by the industry. What’s more, interest by clients in customized portfolios, which is burgeoning, is on the radar.


Asset managers, shucking aside a commingled vehicle, execute direct indexing on the behalf of clients by assuming positions reflecting a representative samples of underlying index constituents, according to impactinvresting.com.


What does this approach yield? Customization, which abets flexibility. That includes pinpointing the index to track and exposures to circumvent -- or avoid – and potential tax advantages. That way. You can opt for the actual ingredients and directly call the underlying equities your own. Consequently, you don’t have to make purchases elsewhere.


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