Tuesday, 27 March 2018 09:47

REITs are Liquidating Assets

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(New York)

Something very curious is going on in the REIT industry—the funds are liquidating their holdings. REITs have not performed well over the last couple of years, which means many share prices are quite low relative to the market. This means they also frequently trade at a discount to the value of their underlying holdings. In response, many REITs are selling off their property holdings to make a return and bring in cash instead of issuing new shares. REITs have fallen victim to rising interest rates, but are not, in general, using the cash injections to pay down debt.

FINSUM: Considering the position they are in, this does not seem like an unwise move. It also likely signals there is a big buying opportunity in REITs if only you can stay in them long-term.

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