Wednesday, 03 April 2024 04:18

Keys to the New Generation of HNW

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Nearly $68 trillion in assets are moving to a younger generations over the next 30 years, wealth management firms catering to high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) are urged to adapt by integrating digital solutions to complement their bespoke services, rather than replacing them outright. 


HNWIs, distinguished by their substantial asset portfolios, require a tailored approach from wealth managers, particularly given their demand for nuanced portfolio guidance across various asset classes, such as real estate and cryptocurrency. While digital tools are reshaping consumer expectations within financial services, HNWIs continue to prioritize the personal touch and customized service that comprehends their unique preferences and financial complexities. 


However, there exists a gap in consistently delivering such personalized service, with over half of surveyed HNWIs reporting a lack of proactive support from their providers. Despite the surge in digital engagement during the pandemic, HNW clients still value personalized experiences, indicating a need for wealth managers to strike a balance between digital convenience and maintaining a human touch.

Finsum: Most clients want a mix of digital and personal service which advisors can use to leverage further business. 

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