Displaying items by tag: technology

Investing in the right technology has the power to create a more efficient, scalable, and successful practice. The latest disruptive technology is artificial intelligence (AI) which will affect many different parts of a practice and is already impacting specific areas. 


Advisors who are able to effectively leverage AI will see a material and quantifiable impact in terms of generating leads, conversion rates, retention, and reducing time spent on operations and management. Client engagement is an area where advisors are already applying AI to generate positive outcomes and deliver more personalized outreach and services.


Ideally, an advisor would be able to spend hours learning and preparing for a client meeting. In reality, this is not possible given constraints and other responsibilities. However, with AI, an advisor can effectively organize and review all of a clients’ data, including notes from previous conversations, and find insights to deliver a more unique and valuable experience. 


AI can also help sort through all of the data generated by an advisor or practice and find hidden opportunities or potential risks. They can also provide guidance in terms of strategic decisions and long-term planning. It’s recommended to use a specialist AI model for these purposes given that it’s trained in relevant data and adheres to regulatory standards. 

Finsum: AI is the latest disruptive technology that will certainly impact multiple aspects of an advisors’ practice. Here is how it’s already affecting client engagement. 


Published in Wealth Management

For advisors contemplating switching to a new broker-dealer, carefully evaluating the candidate firms' technology platforms is essential. Their robustness and capabilities can directly influence both advisor success and client trust. Below are three areas to consider.


The Roadmap to Tomorrow: Does the broker-dealer prioritize continuous investment in platform upgrades and new features? Do they have a clear vision for the future of their tech offerings? Knowing where the firm is headed is as essential as knowing where it currently stands.


Growth without Growing Pains: Platforms should facilitate growth, not hinder it. Assess the platform's scalability. Can it handle your growing client base and evolving service needs? Can it be customized to your specific workflows and strategies?


Trusting the Vault: Advisors cannot afford to gamble with client security. Investigate the firms' cybersecurity protocols and data privacy policies. Are they robust and up to date? Do they prioritize data encryption and access control? A single security breach can shatter client trust and an advisor's reputation.


Choosing the right broker-dealer is more than finding the highest paycheck. By evaluating the firms' tech infrastructures, advisors can determine which platform will best enable their growth while safeguarding their client's sensitive data.

Finsum: Select a tech-forward broker-dealer for growth and security in your advisory practice. Evaluate for scalability, innovation, and client data protection.


Published in Wealth Management

Technology's allure is undeniable for financial advisors weighing a move to a new broker-dealer. Sleek interfaces, integrated apps, and workflow-reducing features promise efficiency and a world-class client experience. But while ease-of-use and functionality deserve scrutiny, a truly informed decision involves understanding the security, legal, and compliance capabilities of the prospective firm's tech.


Ask how client data is secured. What are the client-facing system's encryption standards, two-factor authentication, and access controls? Understand how the platform complies with industry regulations and data privacy laws. And most importantly, what happens if the lights go out? Does a comprehensive disaster recovery plan ensure business continuity and safeguard client assets even during outages or cyberattacks?


These may seem like technical minutiae, but your clients trust you've vetted these issues thoroughly when they follow you to your new professional home. Prioritizing security and compliance in your tech evaluation isn't just about ticking boxes; it's about safeguarding your practice's foundation and fostering the trust your clients deserve.

Finsum: Cybersecurity, compliance, and data privacy are key factors to consider when evaluating a potential broker-dealer’s technology.


Published in Wealth Management
Thursday, 22 December 2022 03:57

LPL Plucks 18 Advisor Team from Advisor Group

LPL Financial announced that it has nabbed Strategic Partners, a Parsons, Kansas-based practice with 18 advisors and approximately $830 million in advisory, brokerage, and retirement plan assets. Strategic Partners joins from Royal Alliance, an Advisor Group subsidiary, and aligns with National Financial Alliance a San Antonio, Texas-based office of supervisory jurisdiction of LPL. Strategic Partners was founded by Owner and President Chris Lubbers in 1994 while he was still attending college. Lubbers said that he and his firm were attracted to LPL and NFA for their technology, operational efficiencies, and growth opportunities. He stated, “I’m all about efficiency and that’s where LPL shines. The firm has invested heavily in its technology platform, creating efficient processes and enhanced solutions that will help our advisors provide better services. Clients will have easier access to reporting and account information, all in one place to give them a deeper understanding of their financial picture.” He also mentioned that the move will help him and his firm recruit more advisors.

Finsum:LPL announced that it has recruited an 18-person advisor team managing a combined $830 million from Advisor Group’s Royal Alliance subsidiary.

Published in Wealth Management

According to Straits Research, the cybersecurity insurance market is projected to grow 19.52% annually and reach $38.7 by 2030. Cybersecurity insurance is a policy that individuals or companies can purchase to reduce the financial risks of conducting business online. The policy transfers certain risks to the insurer for a monthly or quarterly fee. Many companies purchase cybersecurity insurance to cover expenses resulting from digital assets loss. These costs can include the cost of notifying clients of a security breach and the cost of fines for noncompliance with regulations. North America, which holds the largest market share, is expected to grow 15.32% annually. The North American market saw more data compromises in 2021 than any other year before it. The European market is forecasted to generate $13 billion by 2030, growing at an annual rate of 23.17%

Finsum:With security breaches hitting an all-time high, the cybersecurity insurance market is projected to grow 19.52% annually and reach $38.7 by 2030.

Published in Wealth Management
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