Displaying items by tag: hedge funds

Thursday, 04 November 2021 18:46

JPMorgan Picks its Big Winner for 2022

Strategists at JPMorgan Chase & Co see a weak market in traditional stocks and bonds coming in 2022. They say the remedy for your portfolio is in alternatives like hedge funds and real estate. It's not a small margin of victory either, JPMorgan is predicting a 6% gain in hedge funds and real estate over the traditional composition of stock and bonds. However, they are recommending investors be weary of crypto as they do expect gains but they will be too rocky to ride. In fact, volatility almost halves the value in the investment firm’s mind. JPMorgan sees macro trends dominating the funds because of a variety of factors like inflation and Fed tapering.

FINSUM: Macro hedge funds have struggled in leading up and going through Covid, but with inflation moving, the tide could be turning.

Published in Alternatives
Monday, 01 November 2021 19:01

Another Traditional “Alt” Goes into Crypto

It was fun and games when GSA Capital’s Chris Taylor was investing in the crypto craze and run up in ‘doge coin’, but now GSA is all-in in strategic crypto trading. The $2.6 billion hedge fund sees profits in the early development of crypto as swelling hype and volatility will generate inefficiencies. Taylor is Cambridge-trained mathematician and will be part of the crypto research team. GSA was launched at the trading desk in Deutsche Bank, and they will continue arbitrage strategies with crypto. By shorting derivatives and going long on the spot they will continue their history of arbitrage, and further capitalize on crypto’s 40% swell already in 2021.

FINSUM: Quantitative strategies are ripe for exploiting less liquid, less developed markets like crypto.

Published in Alternatives

(New York)

The stock market has been on one of the most historic recoveries in market history, but…see the full story on our partner Magnifi’s site

Published in Eq: Total Market

(New York)

The brick and mortar electronics store GameStop experienced an internet fueled rally this January with the stock prices closing at $147 on Tuesday. The surge was primarily driven by the “wallstreetbets” subreddit, an internet message board. Trading on Gamestop was paused 9 times on monday in order to halt the perceived hysteria. Short sellers are nowhere near dropping off despite having a mark to market loss of more than $5 billion. In fact, shorted shares have increased to over 900,000 in the last week which brings their value of the position to $69million. On the message boards one redditor posted screenshots of their own return at over$1000.

FINSUM: Frenzied bubbles are not an exception in markets and are recorded back to the17th century, however the driving force being a small message board on the internet does make this unique. The stock did experience strong growth in the 4th quarter of 2020 in part as response to the release of new video gaming consoles, but this rapid rise has more to do with memes than it does with fundamentals.

Published in Eq: Tech
Thursday, 04 June 2020 17:18

Hedge Funds Prepare for a Big Market Downturn

(New York)

Investment bank research teams all over Wall Street have been sounding the alarm about how untether from reality markets seem to be. Many are warning investors of another big fall in stocks, and at the same time are telling corporate customers to tap markets for funding as much as they can before another fall. Now hedge funds are joining too, saying it is time to pull back. One manager said “The markets are priced to perfection … The stability in equity markets does not reflect the job losses and the insolvencies ahead of us globally”. Paul Singer of Elliott Management made a specific call, saying “our gut tells us that a 50 per cent or deeper decline from the February top might be the ultimate path of global stock markets”.

FINSUM: In principal a big fall seems warranted, but it is hard to fight the Fed.

Published in Eq: Total Market
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