Saturday, 29 April 2023 03:36

Elbow room, guys, elbow room

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Be a pal, huh, and give it a little elbow room. Fueled by institutions and financial advisors intent on seeking to tailor traditional indexes to meet the preferences of beneficiaries, direct indexing’s growing – and quickly – according to

While direct indexing isn’t exactly new to the rodeo, its use has been spurred by current day computing power, according to a report by Jason Kephart, Morningstar’s director of multi-asset ratings, and his team.

Now, keep in mind, it’s not only your clients with the greatest wealth and complex investment portfolios who should be riding the direct indexing bandwagon, according to Randy Bullard, global head of wealth at Charles River Development, reported

“I think every financial advisor should be accessing direct indexing for their taxable client accounts,” Bullard said at the recent ETF Exchange conference in Miami.

“A direct indexing solution is uniquely designed to catch money in transition, and it’s suitable for all types of investors,” he said. “That’s the transition the industry is starting to go through. Once you conquer the operational complexities of direct indexing, it becomes a broad market solution.”

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