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Tuesday, 13 March 2018 10:07

Trump Sends Loud Message in Blocking Deal


President Trump has just sent a strong message to overseas investors: that US tech is not for sale. The president rejected Broadcom’s hostile takeover of Qualcomm. Although Broadcom is based in Singapore, the prospect of China, which loomed over the deal, was enough to get the White House to block the hostile takeover. American Qualcomm is in a heated race with overseas rivals, including Huawei, to build next-generation wireless technologies, and the US is warned about its strategic interests.

FINSUM: The US is right to worry about this, and we think blocking the deal was a great move. China runs its companies like China Inc., which puts the US at a bit of a structural disadvantage (because our firms don’t share as much info). Therefore, Washington needs to be very careful.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018 10:05

Why Gold is a Poor Inflation Hedge

(New York)

When you think of gold’s role in a portfolio, most would immediately say it is for hedging against inflation. However, new research shows that gold is only a good hedge for inflation over very long periods, such as decades or centuries. In normal time horizons, say one to five years, it is a very weak hedge, and equities have performed much better. Now this is not to say gold cannot be a good asset class in its own right, just that its traditional role should be rethought.

FINSUM: If gold is really a poor inflation hedge, then investors and their advisors need to think very carefully about how they conceptualize it within their portfolios.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018 10:04

How This Bull Market Will End

(New York)

Few remember how this very long bull market started, but it happened with some very badly blown earnings forecasts. At the grim bottom of the Financial Crisis in 2009, analysts were expecting double digit declines in corporate earnings. Instead, earnings rose, starting what is a bull market entering its tenth year. Now, Bloomberg says, blown earnings forecasts will be what turns this bull into a bear. Analysts tend to be comically wrong on earnings forecasts at the most pivotal moments, and with sentiment looking very strong, it may very well be a similar miss to 2009 that sends the bull market off its lofty perch.

FINSUM: A big earnings miss right when the economy looks strong would be very jarring for investors and sow a lot of doubt about the future. This call seems plausible to us.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018 10:02

M&A Review for Advisors

(New York)

It as another solid year for RIA M&A. Just as in 2016, there was strong deal flow, and the number of transactions closed was exactly the same in 2017 as the year prior. That said, deal size and total AUM declined. The first half of 2017 was significantly stronger than the second half, with the majority of the year’s 94 deals getting done in the first half. TD Ameritrade says distraction from tax reform in the second half of the year was partly to blame for the decline in momentum. Total AUM acquired was $106 bn, and the average transaction size was $1.13 bn.

FINSUM: These look like pretty pretty strong numbers to us. The market still seems to be ripe for further consolidation.

(New York)

Advisors need to be very mindful of an old regulation that is taking on new relevance in light of the fiduciary rule. While the DOL’s rule may not be fully enacted, one concept it adopted, which is based on precedent from the ERISA and IRS codes, could be a thorn in the side of advisors. That concept is “reasonable compensation limits”, and is of particular concern to high earning advisors as they will need to look hard at the services they provide and come up with justifications for their pricing. According to a top industry lawyer, this rule will not be undone by a new SEC or DOL rule, so it is here to stay; “Even if the DOL, SEC or Finra roll back the fiduciary rule so that lots of advisor reps and insurance agents are no longer fiduciaries, the reasonable compensation limits would still apply”.

FINSUM: The argument is that this rule’s new relevance will lead to a clearing out of highly priced and highly paid advisors.

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