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The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BK) has introduced customized tax solutions and expanded its direct indexing suite, BNY Mellon Precision Direct Indexing. These offerings aim to help advisors align strategies with clients' investment goals, featuring tax transition management and tax overlay management through BNY Mellon Pershing X’s Wove platform.


 Advisors can now manage portfolio migrations and apply ongoing tax overlay management to a customized set of assets. Stephanie Hill, head of Index at Mellon, emphasized that these enhancements aim to bring institutional-quality index management to retail investors in a tax-efficient manner. 


This initiative complements BNY Mellon’s long-term growth strategy, which includes launching new services, digitizing operations, and strategic acquisitions. The company has recently formed significant partnerships and made strategic divestitures to strengthen its market position.

Finsum: Built in features to explicitly manage tax efficiency can help advisors leverage the full potential of this underused technology. 

Sunday, 23 June 2024 14:58

Ceramics Explode Across Demographics

Ceramic studios have surged in popularity, offering a therapeutic alternative to digital interactions and fostering a sense of community. Places like Greenwich House Pottery (GHP) in New York have seen waiting lists grow significantly, highlighting the increased demand for hands-on creative activities. 


This trend aligns with a broader wellness movement and the art world’s renewed interest in ceramics. Ceramic studios also serve as excellent networking hubs, bringing together diverse groups of people, from hobbyists to professional artists, all united by a shared passion. 


Studios like GHP, think that a large majority of their clientele, nearly 80% are Lawyers, architects, doctors, retired curators, etc., so this leisurely activity could prove useful to also expand clientele and improve relationships. 

Finsum: One trend we think we’ll see is that there will be some migration of business adjacent activity from places like golf courses and country clubs to a new generation’s idea of recreation. 

Sunday, 23 June 2024 14:57

Macro Forcing Model Portfolio Changes

Macro conditions are currently tumultuous, with inflation rates surprising on the low end and unemployment figures exceeding expectations. This uncertainty makes it a challenging time for investors, as the debate continues over whether positive news is beneficial for markets. 


U.S. equities are trading at high levels, prompting louder calls for caution and diversification. Asset managers, like BlackRock and State Street, are adjusting their model portfolio strategies, with BlackRock leaning into U.S. growth and quality fixed income, while State Street is increasing international equity exposure. 


These adjustments to model portfolios reflect a broader trend toward diversification amidst uncertain economic signals. As we move forward, monitoring these strategies can provide insights into navigating the market's complexities.

Finsum: As models recalibrate maybe its time to do the same in your own portfolio, but keep in mind this is a natural perk of active funds.

Sunday, 23 June 2024 14:55

Arts and Wine Pair Perfectly

Sip and paint parties have become a popular social activity, combining the enjoyment of painting with the relaxation of sipping wine. These events, often hosted in studios or bars, provide all necessary art supplies and a professional instructor to guide participants through creating their own masterpiece. 


The casual, fun atmosphere makes them appealing for people of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned artists. Beyond creativity, sip and paint parties are great for socializing, offering a unique way to connect with friends or meet new people. They also can be hosted by local artists to get in touch with a different aspect of the community. 


This trend is also seen as a wellness activity, promoting stress relief and mindfulness. With their growing popularity, sip and paint parties have become a favorite for celebrations, corporate team-building events, and novel nights out.

Finsum: This is one of the trendiest ways to engage with the artistic side, but also give wine collectors a chance to dip into their cellar. 

Sunday, 23 June 2024 09:33

Factor Investing in Alternatives

The term beta represents an investment’s volatility relative to the overall market and is a concept that experienced investors understand well. Beta measures the sensitivity of an investment to overall market movements and is a measure of systematic risk, with the market typically represented by a broad index like the S&P 500. 


High beta stocks exhibit more volatility and are typically growth stocks, while low beta stocks are less volatile and often include value stocks in defensive sectors. But this approach should be used when thinking about alternatives because they are being used to balance a portfolio.


Beta can change over time due to economic conditions and changes in a company's operations or industry. When assessing alternative investments, combining beta with correlation provides insight into an investment's potential role in a portfolio, enhancing diversification and risk management.

Finsum: You don’t need complicated financial models to assess beta, and integrating this historical return factor could greatly improve portfolio performance. 

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