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Wednesday, 28 February 2018 08:17

Apple Debuts New iPhone Lineup

(San Francisco)

Apple is set to release, not one, not two, but three new iPhones later this year. Bloomberg describes the phones this way, saying “the largest iPhone ever, an upgraded handset the same size as the current iPhone X and a less expensive model with some of the flagship phone’s key features”. The iPhone X has not sold as well as forecast, and there has been consumer pushback on price, which may have led to the change in lineup. “This is a big deal”, says a venture capitalist and Apple commentator, “When you have a measurable upgrade in screen size, people go to update their phone in droves. We saw that with the iPhone 6, and we think this is setting up to be a similar step up in growth”.

FINSUM: We think this is a smart strategy, but we are surprised that Apple is caving in on pricing.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018 08:16

SEC Easing Disclosure Requirements


The SEC appears to be following through with the President’s mandate to lower the regulatory burden across all industries. The regulator is in the middle of easing disclosure requirements on companies. According to the Wall Street Journal, the new changes include “expanding the definition of small reporting companies, refurbishing risk-factor disclosure guidelines and streamlining the requirements for registered debt securities and acquired business disclosures”. Companies may now also secretly file IPO documents.

FINSUM: The US, and especially the financial sector, had, in our opinion, become over-regulated in the last decade, so it is good to see an easing of the burden.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018 08:14

What Does Xi’s Power Grab Mean for China


Something monumental, and very troubling, happened in China his week. The central committee there recommended scrapping the two-term limit for leaders, meaning Xi Jinping will stay in power indefinitely. This has “has put us back 30 years”, said one Chinese commentator close to the situation. One Australian academic comments that “We’ve had so many steps backwards [under Xi] … Media controls have become stricter, internet controls have become stricter. And now one of the few seemingly effective checks on a senior leader’s power — that he can only be in power for two terms — is now just being completely cast aside”.

FINSUM: Even for a country with no elections this seems quite authoritarian. We don’t suspect any immediate fallout, but this could be a slow-building drama.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018 08:13

Tax Cuts are Sparking Dividends and Buybacks

(New York)

After a lot of talking, the long awaited hypothesis that tax cuts at the federal level would lead to more dividends and buybacks is actually proving true. More than 20% of companies have raised their dividend so far this year, with none cutting them, the first time that has happened since 2011. The hikes are also getting bigger, averaging 14% this year. The downside for the economy is that while tax cuts have also led to buybacks, they have not flowed into increased corporate spending and investment.

FINSUM: This is very good news for shareholders, but it does put a damper on hopes that the tax cuts may spur economic growth through corporate investment.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018 08:12

States are Increasing Enforcement on All Levels


Advisors beware, your state is likely ramping up regulatory enforcement all around you. While all the focus has been on states making and/or enforcing their own fiduciary rules in the absence of the federal rule, they have also been upping their presence in other areas. For instance, Alabama is now getting involved in disputes between brokers and firms, making sure client assets do not get frozen. Massachusetts is enforcing the federal fiduciary rule, and Nevada is making and seeking to enforce its own best interest rule as well.

FINSUM: Our view on this is that there is a power and leadership vacuum in the federal regulators that has eroded states’ trust, all of which is leading to a more fractured regulatory landscape.

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