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Thursday, 06 September 2018 10:13

Dividend Growers for Defensive Income

(New York)

Those trying to earn defensive income right now should look at stocks with strongly growing dividends. Rising dividends from stable companies seem like a good way to protect capital and earn income in this rising rate era. Accordingly, three companies to look at include Swiss pharma company Novartis (3.5% and growing), Pepsico (3.3% and likely to grow), and tech company Cisco, who business is growing solidly below the radar and yields just above 3%.

FINSUM: These seem like well-thought out picks, especially because some of the dividend growth is speculative, and importantly, will be driven be real operating performance.

Thursday, 06 September 2018 10:11

JPMorgan Warns EM Contagion Spreading

(New York)

The big rout in emerging markets is starting to look like a full blown crisis. So far the US has proven itself immune to the turmoil, but the contagion is spreading, according to both JP Morgan and BlackRock. The pair say that a herd mentality has taken hold and that investors are indiscriminately selling emerging market assets, so matter what the value or long-term outlook. Even those with holdings that look strong are selling for fear of getting trampled by the rest of the herd, thus feeding the cycle further.

FINSUM: The big selloffs now include not only Argentina and Turkey, but South Africa, Brazil, and Indonesia. Given the Fed’s hawkishness and trade wars roaring, there is no end in sight for the turmoil.

Thursday, 06 September 2018 10:10

DOJ Signals Pursuit of Tech


Top tech industry executives have spent their week speaking with the Senate and answering tough questions about their data security, fake news, and political content. Many fear it is a preamble to a big regulatory crackdown on the sector by the Senate. Well, that has not occurred yet, but in a worrying development US attorney general Sessions has announced that his department is looking into the tech sector in regards to competition and free speech issues. Sessions said he would be meeting with state attorney generals to discuss a “growing concern” that tech companies “may be hurting competition and intentionally stifling the free exchange of ideas”.

FINSUM: This might be the beginning of a major regulatory move against the sector. We think the market will start handicapping the odds of a big crackdown as more news comes out.

Wednesday, 05 September 2018 09:48

Will the Midterms Cause a Correction?


Recent polls have shown strong gains for Democrats, raising the prospect that the party will take back the House and maybe even the Senate. So what would that mean for stocks? Well, the historical picture is mixed. Generally speaking, stocks have a rough September heading into the November midterms. However, immediately before and after the election, they are relatively unaffected, no matter the outcome. Generally speaking, from the beginning of October until the end of the year (in a midterm year), stocks rally strongly.

FINSUM: The basic picture here is that we could be in for a rocky month, but that stocks may do well as we approach and move past the midterms and investors get used to the ‘new normal’, whatever that may be.

Wednesday, 05 September 2018 09:46

The Best Investment Ideas for a Yield Inversion

(New York)

The yield curve is very close to inverting, an action that is widely considered to be the strongest and most reliable indicator of a forthcoming recession. Investors are afraid of it, and with good reason. So what is the best way to approach one’s portfolio as a dreaded inversion looms? The first tip is to re-evaluate any bank stocks you own. Banks become less profitable as the yield curve flattens, so they could see some big losses. Secondly, mentally prepare that returns over the next five years are probably going to be a lot lower than in the previous five. Be selective with your purchases and be defensive. Finally, don’t be too afraid to buy stocks you have a high conviction on, and that hold strong risk/reward profiles.

FINSUM: These seem like sound tips. Another obvious one is to buy stocks and bonds that will perform better in this kind of environment, such as strong dividend growing stocks or floating rate bonds.

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