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Monday, 13 August 2018 09:11

The Big Growing Risk in Credit

(New York)

It is no secret that credit has expanded mightily in the last several years. The investment grade corporate bond market has completely ballooned, but leveraged loans have been another important area of growth. And while the risk of IG corporate bonds is well understood, the risks of the latter are less apparent. Leveraged loans are popular right now because they have floating rates, but those rates are a big risk. The reason why is not in the extra payments themselves, but because most leveraged loans are issued to refinance existing debt. The issue is that when corporate borrowers come back to the market to refinance, they might find many less lenders and much higher rates. The is so because as rates rise, other safer asset classes become more attractive.

FINSUM: The whole corporate sector has been binging on low rates for years, and there is bound to be a reckoning. The scale of that reckoning is the big question.

Monday, 13 August 2018 09:10

Herd Trading is Going to Get a Lot Worse

(New York)

One of the big problems in our growing era of algorithmic trading is herd behavior. For instance, when many trading algorithms are all geared to trade on the basis of momentum, then you tend to get a ton of it at the same time. Well, the problem might be set to get worse as UBS is debuting a new product to help active managers with trade selection using AI. UBS is launching an AI-based product which recommends trade ideas to active managers, something being referred to as the Netflix of asset management. In other words, UBS’ AI recommends a trading strategy which it thinks will suit the manager.

FINSUM: So now even active managers are trying to be enticed into using AI-recommended strategies. The problem with this is that many managers will end being recommended the same strategies, leading to more trading in the same direction.

Friday, 10 August 2018 08:33

Regulations are Killing the Industry

(New York)

There was a great deal of anxiety over the fiduciary rule, and now there is mounting consternation about the SEC’s Regulation Best Interest. But within that story, there is a lost narrative—the fate of the US’ small broker-dealers. Mounting regulatory pressure continues to dwindle their ranks. The number of Finra-registered broker-dealers has fallen 10% since 2013, and last year the number fell to a total of 3,726, down 109 from 2016. One industry commentator summarizes that “It is getting to the point that the many firms under 10 advisors dread Finra audits and are positioning themselves to be under a larger broker-dealer in order to simplify their life”. “This used to be a fun business, but not anymore”, says the commentator, citing a B-D owner.

FINSUM: We can personally testify to the difficulties that smaller B-Ds face, and not just in terms of direct regulatory costs. Additionally, factors like limits to markups constrain revenue, so there is pressure on both sides.

Friday, 10 August 2018 08:32

7 High Risk Dividend Stocks

(New York)

If you are interested in getting some strong dividends in your portfolio, and don’t mind adding a little risk, then we have a story for you. Generally, dividend stocks are seen as a steady and low-risk strategy, but this group of 7 stocks, are high risk, high reward. The dividends of all 7 look solid (no cuts seem likely in the near-term), but all have some significant risks in their long-term outlook. The stocks, with their yields, are: Ford (6%), Steelcase (3.9%), Ethan Allen Interiors (3.4%), Macerich (5.0%), Stage Stores (9.7%), ABB (3.6%), and IBM (4.3%).

FINSUM: This is a quite a mix of stocks, each with their own very particular story. Ford seems like an interesting bet.

Friday, 10 August 2018 08:31

EMs: Turkey Enters Full Blown Crisis


Following a diplomatic spat with the US that has thrust Turkey into an economic tailspin, the country is entering full-blown crisis mode. Turkey’s Lira is down more than 35% this year and fell another 5% overnight. Bond yields are soaring alongside the losses, with the country’s ten-year yielding over 20%, a move exacerbated by Istanbul’s large budget deficit. The crisis is going so badly that the EU is seeking to limit the Eurozone’s banks from exposure to Turkey’s meltdown. BBVA, UniCredit, and BNP Paribas have the most exposure to Turkey.

FINSUM: There is no end in sight to the selloff. The big hope is that Turkey is supposed to unveil a new economic model today that will show how it plans to cut debt and shrink its budget deficit. That would be a start.

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