Displaying items by tag: annuities

(Los Angeles)

Regulators might be about to really shake up the all important annuities market. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners, which is comprised of state level regulators, has just proposed a new suitability standard for annuities transactions. The new rule would require insurance brokers to act in the best interest of clients when recommending products. The specific wording used says that the insurance salesperson must act “without placing the producer’s or the insurer’s financial interest ahead of the consumer’s interest” and that they must “without placing the producer’s or the insurer’s financial interest ahead of the consumer’s interest”. Speaking about the rule, the NAIC says “It’s in harmony with what the SEC did but goes a little further in providing clarity as to what the conduct standard actually is”.

FINSUM: The annuities market has had some bad behavior so a clean up to give peace of mind to all involved is warranted, but this will likely mean big changes if it comes to pass.

Published in Wealth Management
Friday, 18 October 2019 09:43

Why It’s a Good Time for Fixed Index Annuities

(New York)

Fixed index annuities had a really rough time in the year or so leading up to the debut of the first Fiduciary Rule. The DOL’s changes all but made the product extinct. However, since the rule was struck down, fixed index annuities have made a resurgence, posting their biggest ever quarter for sales with $20 bn in Q2 this year. The good news for brokers is that changes in the government’s regulatory approach means that fixed index annuities will now be treated like an equity product, which means they will be under the SEC’s purview. Additionally, a new kind of FIA has been developed—fee-based—which means brokers and advisors have a choice between a fee-based product or a commission-based one.

FINSUM: The big question for FIAs is how to do a best interest comparison between the fee-based and commission-based versions, as the cost changes depending on time and other factors.

Published in Wealth Management
Monday, 19 August 2019 12:06

This Flexible Annuity is a Great Option

(New York)

Annuities have come a long way in the last few years, with industry standards and selling behavior becoming much cleaner. However, annuities sales are still a challenge because it is often hard to get an individual to trade a large, liquid lump sum for payments that can often be far in the future. With that said, TIAA has an annuity it debuted last year that might prove quite helpful. The provider’s Income Test Drive program allows buyers of annuities to opt out of their income agreements within two years without any penalty. The program is part of a wider trend in annuities, according a product manager in the space, saying “They used to have one product try to be everything to everybody, and the costs outweighed the benefits. Now there are more streamlined options”.

FINSUM: This TIAA option seems like a very good way to help investors bridge their anxiety about trading a lump sum for future income.

Published in Wealth Management
Wednesday, 07 August 2019 09:44

A New Best Interest Rule for Annuities


While it has largely gone unnoticed by the wealth management media, New York state has just enacted a new best interest rule for annuities. As of August 1st, advisors must now consider the best interests of clients before selling annuities. Additionally, annuities sellers cannot call themselves advisors unless they are licensed to do so. The rule came about to try to fill a gap after the defeat of the DOL’s fiduciary rule last year. New York follows Connecticut and Nevada in making their own best interest rules governing certain products.

FINSUM: Annuities have been cleaning up their act in the last few years, and this will be another step in the process. Best interest rules notwithstanding, we do think the improving business climate for annuities is a good thing because they make sense for many clients.

Published in Wealth Management
Wednesday, 24 July 2019 11:03

The Top 100 Annuities

(New York)

Annuities are an important part of both advisors’ businesses and their clients’ portfolios. However, the options in the market can be overwhelming, especially if you are an advisor new to the asset class. The annuities business has cleaned up its act in the last few years and is finally getting some respect because of its ability to alleviate retirees’ worst fears—running out of money in retirement. Well, Barron’s has put out a list of the top 100 annuities in the market, including how to pick them. The list is quite extensive, so here is a link. The choices are broken down into numerous categories and include offerings from Lincoln National Life, Transamerica, Prudential, CUNA Mutual Group, and beyond.

FINSUM: Not only do annuities help alleviate the fear of running out of money for retirees, but they are also popular with Millennials, who are financially conservative and have a similar concern about future income.

Published in Wealth Management
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