Displaying items by tag: stimulus

Friday, 19 August 2022 22:14

What Biden’s Bill Means for U.S. Economy

While a far cry from the size and scope Dems were originally hoping for Biden’s multi-agenda bill will hit his desk after passing the house, but what does this mean for the market and the U.S. economy? The bill is $430 billion dollars and will change taxes, healthcare, and climate policy. The plan hopes to slash carbon emissions by 40% within the decade spending a hefty $369 billion. However, it plans to generate $737 billion through tax changes and will have a net impact of $300 billion in deficit reduction according to the CBO. For the market, the stock buyback provision will be critical, but congress says it will generate $74 billion on its own. Still, this has been a key avenue for corporate spending in the last decade and Wallstreet will claim it forces inefficient maneuvers by corporations. The inflation reduction act will only make a very small impact on inflation over the next decade according to experts.

Finsum: Equity buyback taxes are very dumb, distorting how companies effectively spend money with excess revenue will only hurt the economy and the companies.

Published in Eq: Large Cap
Tuesday, 23 November 2021 18:13

Rich Clients May Get a Big Tax Cut from Biden

The $2 trillion Build Back Bill pushed through a contested House of Representatives last week and the climate and social-focused stimulus bill have a complicated tax code in order to garner support. BBB features a dynamic tax system with moving parts that evolves as years develop. Most significant of which is a tax break of about 5.4% relative to current legislation for those earning more than $1 million a year. This tax breaks scales down in income down to $75k, but spikes below that. However, this tax break is very temporary as the lion’s share of the legislation will be paid by higher income individuals. There are other benefits for the rich such as SALT relief, but by and large, starting in 2023 higher corporate taxes and a bump in personal income taxes of 5% will begin to take effect.

FINSUM: Biden’s BBB could be a bad storm of events for the economy where stimulus boosts inflation and higher taxes keep markets and real growth from keeping up.

Published in Wealth Management
Monday, 12 July 2021 20:19

Chinese Central Bank Floods the Market


Much of the attention has been on the Fed and how they will respond to the U.S. economy, but…see the full story on our partner Magnifi’s site.

Published in Eq: Asia

(New York)

ESG has already taken the financial world, nearly dominating every other headline over the past couple of years…see the full story on our partner Magnifi’s site

Published in Eq: Industrials

(New York)

Gold had one of its biggest runs last August, but gold stocks and ETFs have been the real…see the full story on our partner Magnifi’s site

Published in Comm: Precious
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