Displaying items by tag: valuation

Tuesday, 11 December 2018 14:30

Facebook is a Great Value Right Now

(San Francisco)

There has been a lot of momentum flowing against tech stocks right now, and especially the FAANGs. Facebook has taken a great deal of the pain, with numerous headwinds facing shares. However, the reality is that the company has a very solid underlying business, and the recent volatility means it also has an attractive valuation. According to Deutsche Bank, “We continue to view Facebook as the best risk/reward in large cap internet given the potential for core Facebook engagement to stabilize … and given the extremely attractive current valuation”.

FINSUM: Facebook has been going through a very rough period over the last year, but the negative news cycle is going to abate, and when it does, the stock seems likely to gain.

Published in Eq: Tech
Monday, 29 October 2018 13:11

Get Ready for a Big Rally

(New York)

So where is the market headed next? That is the question on every investor’s mind. Guggenheim Partners’ CIO has just made a bold call. His answer—much higher. He argues that stocks are strong and increasingly cheap, which will spark a rally. “Stocks are cheap based on forward multiples and should rally by 15%-20% from here unless policy uncertainty around China and tariffs remains in place”. He continued, saying “I think we’re going through a classic seasonal adjustment”, but that it is paving the way for a move higher.

FINSUM: We think that once the panic passes, which it may have this weekend, investors will realize that stocks are less expensive than before Trump was elected and the economy is going strongly.

Published in Eq: Total Market

(New York)

Is this a watershed moment for the equity market or just another small blip in the exorable march higher? That is the question investors are asking themselves this week after the losses of the last few trading days which occurred as a response to quickly rising yields. Many analysts and Wall Street veterans think that heavy pressure will be on equity prices as yields move towards 3.5%. According to BNY Mellon, as yield move higher is hurts “investors’ ability to call this stock market reasonably valued”. Some investors are more sanguine, believing the market can handle higher rates.

FINSUM: One of the biggest signs here does not have to do with yields themselves. Rather, some big money managers are admitting that they are rotating some money out of stocks and into bonds to reap the gains of higher yields. That will likely be the biggest challenge for stocks.

Published in Eq: Total Market
Friday, 14 September 2018 09:19

Stocks are Pricier Than in Dotcom Era

(New York)

There are a lot of anniversaries to pay attention to this month, not least of which is the 10-year anniversary of the Financial Crisis. This has unsurprisingly sparked a whole wave of articles portending the next crisis. However, another kind of anniversary might be even more troublesome—that stocks are now higher priced than in the dotcom era. While the S&P 500’s P/E ratio is still not quite as high as then, rich valuations are more pervasive now, and price to sales valuations are higher, according to one market analyst. Actually, price to sales is the more worrying metric as stocks in the S&P 500 are now trading at 2.7x revenue versus just 1.2x in 2000.

FINSUM: Stocks are very richly valued right now, that is certain. However, that does not, in itself, portend any immediate problem for the market.

Published in Eq: Large Cap
Tuesday, 24 July 2018 09:53

The Best Value Sectors in the S&P 500

(New York)

Despite a generally weak year in equities, the market is still very expensive. That said, not every sector is and there are still some bargains to be had. Interestingly, more than half the S&P 500’s sectors currently trade at a discount to their historical relative value (relative to the S&P 500’s P/E ratio). These include: Tech, Materials, Real Estate, Industrials, Health Care and Telecom. Telecom is 60% below its average relative valuation, for instance.

FINSUM: Interesting to see how many sectors are at discounts. That said, the problem with this view is that there are no catalysts to prompt a return to the mean.

Published in Eq: Large Cap
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