Displaying items by tag: retirement

Friday, 13 July 2018 09:59

Finally Some Good News for Pensions

(New York)

Pensions have been on a long and miserable path since the Financial Crisis. They have been chronically underfunded and suffered from poor returns, but after a weak decade, there is finally some good news. That news is that interest rates are up, which means that US corporate pension plans are now 92.8% funded versus 87.6% funded at the beginning of the year. The shift is almost entirely because of changes in yields. Higher yields make it easier for pension funds to meet their future cash needs.

FINSUM: Higher interest rates will be better for all retirees, and it is good that pensions are finally catching a break. One wonders if we are approaching a sweet spot in rates where mortgages remain affordable, but yields are high enough to satisfy pensions and retirees.

Published in Wealth Management
Monday, 25 June 2018 09:01

Americans are Retiring in Bad Shape

(New York)

For the first time since WWII, Americans are retiring in worse financial condition than the generations that preceded them. Those aged 55 to 70 are preparing to retire with the biggest financial burdens and lowest benefits since Truman was in office. Many have high debt, including paying off children’s tuitions and for aging parents. Their 401(k)s are in poor shape, with a median income of just $8,000 per year for a household of two. According to the study, which was conducted by the Wall Street Journal, more than 40% of American households headed to retirement lack the resources to maintain their current lifestyles. That is about 15m households.

FINSUM: We are having a hard time reconciling this with all the reports of how wealthy the Baby Boomer generation is, yet this comes from quite a reputable source. It must ultimately come down to wealth inequality within that generation.

Published in Wealth Management
Friday, 27 April 2018 03:37

Where Retirees Underestimate Spending

(New York)

One of the main mistakes that retirees make is that they underestimate the amount of money they will need for spending in retirement. Accordingly, one of the main jobs of financial advisors is to adjust their thinking on this and make sure that does not happen. Here are some of the reasons people underestimate what they will need. They discount the likelihood of needing to help family members who might get into a precarious financial situation, or even paying for things like weddings. Retirees also forget to budget for one-time big ticket items, even though they are mostly predictable, such as a new car or a new roof. People also underestimate how much more they spend on entertainment, as they will have a great deal more time. Healthcare is also chronically underestimated.

FINSUM: While advisors deal with this frequently, it is never a bad idea to revisit the key “problem” areas.

Published in Wealth Management


Most people talk about retail investors’ effect on the stock market, especially when things get bad. But what is much less understood is their role in the bond market. Individual bond buyers are growing force in the bond market and are one of the major factors that has kept bond yields low. The proportion of the US population 65 or older has grown 40% since 2000 and is set to keep growing. Retirees typically buy more bonds as they near retirement, which should keep downward pressure on yields.

FINSUM: So admittedly this WSJ article we discuss absolutely supports the arguments we have been making to our readers for many months. We are not bearish on bonds, despite a lot of comments to the contrary, because there is such a big demographically-driven source of demand.

Published in Bonds: Total Market
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